A database of long non-coding RNAs in plants

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What is CANTATAdb 3.0?

CANTATAdb 3.0 is a database of lncRNAs in 108 plant species identified computationally with high-throughput transcriptome sequencing data (RNA-Seq).
The database presents, among others, lncRNA sequences, expression values across RNA-Seq libraries, evolutionarily conserved lncRNAs, organ-specific lncRNAs, hypothetical peptides encoded by lncRNAs (if any), BLAST search results against Swiss-Prot proteins and non-coding RNAs from NONCODE.
Below are lncRNA counts per species.

How it compares with CantataDB 2.0?

CantataDB 3.0 stores 571,688 lncRNAs identified across 108 plant species, a significant expansion from the previous version. One notable feature is the inclusion of 112,980 lncRNAs expressed specifically in particular plant organs or embryos, suggesting potential roles in development and organ-specific processes. Additionally, CantataDB 3.0 includes 74,886 pairs of evolutionarily conserved lncRNAs found across 47 species as well as conserved lncRNAs obtained with a similarity-search approach in 5,479 species pairs, providing insights into their conservation and potential functional relationships.

Contact information

Any questions, remarks, suggestions? Feel free to contact us:

Laboratory of RNA Biology
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
ul. Uniwersytetu PoznaƄskiego 6, 61-674 Poznan, Poland

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