Detailed information on CNT0036096

BLAST search results

BLAST vs PNRD: nothing found

BLAST vs Swiss-Prot: nothing found

BLAST vs NONCODE (A. thaliana): nothing found

Potential orthologs
: nothing found

Most similar lncRNAs
CNT0043554, E-value = 4e-09 (A. thaliana)
CNT0034291, E-value = 1e-08 (P. patens)
CNT0019995, E-value = 7e-23 (Z. mays)
CNT0000395, E-value = 1e-11 (G. max)
CNT0024260, E-value = 7e-26 (O. sativa)
CNT0010524, E-value = 2e-07 (S. tuberosum)

Expression of CNT0036096

Nothing found.

Peptides detected in this lncRNA

>peptide 1 (60 aa)

>peptide 2 (105 aa)

>peptide 3 (30 aa)



lncRNA-RNA interactions

Number of interactions: 12

Potential function Interacting transcript Gene description Transcript biotype lncRNA id Alignment score (LAST) Alignment length Transcript region involved in interaction Genomic orientation of interacting RNAs
EDO97061 DEAH-box RNA helicase protein coding CNT0036096 161 130 CDS Trans
EDO97061 DEAH-box RNA helicase protein coding CNT0036096 163 126 CDS Trans
EDO99238 Predicted protein protein coding CNT0036096 189 90 CDS Trans
EDO99238 Predicted protein protein coding CNT0036096 192 124 CDS Trans
EDP00500 Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase protein coding CNT0036096 186 66 CDS Trans
EDP00500 Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase protein coding CNT0036096 187 89 CDS Trans
EDP02815 Predicted protein protein coding CNT0036096 170 63 CDS Trans
EDP02815 Predicted protein protein coding CNT0036096 164 61 CDS Trans
EDP02815 Predicted protein protein coding CNT0036096 160 63 CDS Trans
EDP05215 Cysteine desulfurase protein coding CNT0036096 147 75 CDS Trans
EDP05215 Cysteine desulfurase protein coding CNT0036096 138 63 CDS Trans
EDP05215 Cysteine desulfurase protein coding CNT0036096 134 59 CDS Trans