Detailed information on CNT0036613

BLAST search results

BLAST vs PNRD: nothing found

BLAST vs Swiss-Prot: nothing found

BLAST vs NONCODE (A. thaliana): nothing found

Potential orthologs
: nothing found

Most similar lncRNAs
CNT0043554, E-value = 4e-10 (A. thaliana)
CNT0034291, E-value = 2e-08 (P. patens)
CNT0019995, E-value = 2e-21 (Z. mays)
CNT0000395, E-value = 2e-11 (G. max)
CNT0024260, E-value = 4e-25 (O. sativa)
CNT0010524, E-value = 9e-08 (S. tuberosum)

Expression of CNT0036613

Peptides detected in this lncRNA

>peptide 1 (87 aa)

>peptide 2 (35 aa)

>peptide 3 (165 aa)

>peptide 4 (29 aa)



lncRNA-RNA interactions

Number of interactions: 31

Potential function Interacting transcript Gene description Transcript biotype lncRNA id Alignment score (LAST) Alignment length Transcript region involved in interaction Genomic orientation of interacting RNAs
EDO97061 DEAH-box RNA helicase protein coding CNT0036613 244 109 CDS Trans
EDO97061 DEAH-box RNA helicase protein coding CNT0036613 228 114 CDS Trans
EDO97061 DEAH-box RNA helicase protein coding CNT0036613 227 103 CDS Trans
EDO97061 DEAH-box RNA helicase protein coding CNT0036613 221 108 CDS Trans
EDO97061 DEAH-box RNA helicase protein coding CNT0036613 182 83 CDS Trans
EDO97061 DEAH-box RNA helicase protein coding CNT0036613 166 75 CDS Trans
EDO98710 Predicted protein protein coding CNT0036613 149 73 CDS Trans
EDO98710 Predicted protein protein coding CNT0036613 145 72 CDS Trans
EDO99483 Predicted protein protein coding CNT0036613 260 167 CDS Trans
EDP00500 Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase protein coding CNT0036613 236 82 CDS Trans
EDP00500 Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase protein coding CNT0036613 250 90 CDS Trans
EDP00500 Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase protein coding CNT0036613 259 96 CDS Trans
EDP00500 Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase protein coding CNT0036613 240 80 CDS Trans
EDP02135 Predicted protein protein coding CNT0036613 192 73 CDS Trans
EDP02135 Predicted protein protein coding CNT0036613 188 74 CDS Trans
EDP02815 Predicted protein protein coding CNT0036613 143 76 CDS Trans
EDP02815 Predicted protein protein coding CNT0036613 139 69 CDS Trans
EDP02815 Predicted protein protein coding CNT0036613 170 66 CDS Trans
EDP02815 Predicted protein protein coding CNT0036613 160 66 CDS Trans
EDP03729 Membrane AAA-metalloprotease protein coding CNT0036613 287 111 CDS Trans
EDP03729 Membrane AAA-metalloprotease protein coding CNT0036613 295 111 CDS Trans
EDP03862 Predicted protein protein coding CNT0036613 221 114 CDS Trans
EDP05215 Cysteine desulfurase protein coding CNT0036613 170 80 CDS Trans
EDP05215 Cysteine desulfurase protein coding CNT0036613 174 90 CDS Trans
EDP05215 Cysteine desulfurase protein coding CNT0036613 180 89 CDS Trans
EDP05215 Cysteine desulfurase protein coding CNT0036613 184 87 CDS Trans
EDP05215 Cysteine desulfurase protein coding CNT0036613 149 79 CDS Trans
EDP06545 Predicted protein protein coding CNT0036613 257 104 CDS Trans
EDP06545 Predicted protein protein coding CNT0036613 262 99 CDS Trans
EDP06641 Predicted protein protein coding CNT0036613 151 73 CDS Trans
EDP08466 NADH oxidase protein coding CNT0036613 131 53 CDS Trans