TCONS_00046139 (lncRNA) and ENST00000594295: detailed information for the interacting components

Function(s) assigned to this lncRNA-RNA interaction (TCONS_00046139 vs ENST00000594295)

Number of records: 1

Potential function Interacting transcript Gene description Transcript biotype lncRNA id Alignment score (LAST) Alignment length Transcript region involved in interaction Genomic orientation of interacting RNAs
ENST00000594295 zinc finger protein 841 protein coding TCONS_00046139 561 268 UTR3 Trans


NOTE: Expression values are provided at the transcript level. Differential expressio analysis was performed at the gene level.

Expression for TCONS_00046139 (lncRNA)Expression for ENST00000594295

Is lncRNA (TCONS_00046139) differentially expressed?
Gene id Direction Adjusted p-value Fold change EBSeq confirmed? edgeR confirmed?
ENSG00000137500 up 0.00187570652427 1.27804 . YES

Is the interacting transcript (ENST00000594295) differentially expressed?
Gene id Direction Adjusted p-value Fold change EBSeq confirmed? edgeR confirmed?
ENSG00000197608 down 0.00000398312099804 1.50625 YES YES

NOTE: the differential expression results were calculated for KTCN vs non-KTCN samples.
The KTCN samples: KC_15, KC_16, KC_17, KC_18, KC_19, KC_20, KC_21, KC_22, KC_23, KC_25, KC_26, KC_28, KC_30, KC_31, KC_32, KC_34, KC_55
The non-KTCN samples: KR_08, KR_13, KR_14, KR_15, KR_18, KR_19, KR_21, KR_23, KR_24, KR_25, KR_26, KR_27, KR_28, KR_33, KR_35, KR_48, KR_52