File Description
lncRNAs_general.txt.gz A summary on identified lncRNAs. Tab-separated fields: transcript ID, gene ID, protein ID, chromosome name, chromosome start, chromosome end, strand, gene_name, transcript type, description (the annotation data come from Ensembl in case lncRNAs represent alternative splice forms of known genes)
lncRNAs.fasta.gz A nucleotide FASTA file with lncRNA trancript ID in definition line
pre-mRNA_interactions.txt.gz A summary of lncRNA:pre-mRNA interactions with predicted regulatory role in splicing. Tab-separated fields: regulated transcript ID, lncRNA transcript ID, alignment score (by lastal), alignment length, Cis/Trans interaction, CDS/UTR (a transcript region that base-pairs with a lncRNA), associated regulatory path(s), and four fields with data on the regulated transcript: gene ID, gene name, transcript type, description
mRNA_interactions.txt.gz A summary of lncRNA:mRNA interactions with predicted links to miRNA functions, Staufen-mediated decay and editing events. Tab-separated fields: regulated transcript ID, lncRNA transcript ID, alignment score (by lastal), alignment length, Cis/Trans interaction, CDS/UTR (a transcript region that base-pairs with a lncRNA), associated regulatory path(s), and four fields with data on the regulated transcript: gene ID, gene name, transcript type, description
BLAST_vs_NONCODE.txt.gz Best BLAST hits against Noncode v4. Tab-separated fields: lncRNA ID, best hit, E-value
BLAST_vs_UNIPROT.txt.gz Best BLAST hits against Uniprot (Swiss-Prot). Tab-separated fields: lncRNA ID, best hit, E-value
peptides.txt.gz Peptides identified in lncRNAs. Tab-separated fields: lncRNA ID, peptide.


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