ENST00000506661 (lncRNA) and TCONS_00099312: detailed information for the interacting components

Function(s) assigned to this lncRNA-RNA interaction (ENST00000506661 vs TCONS_00099312)

Number of records: 1

Potential function Interacting transcript Gene description Transcript biotype lncRNA id Alignment score (LAST) Alignment length Transcript region involved in interaction Genomic orientation of interacting RNAs
TCONS_00099312 solute carrier family 7 (amino acid transporter light chain, L system), member 5 novel protein coding ENST00000506661 604 288 UTR5 Trans


NOTE: Expression values are provided at the transcript level. Differential expressio analysis was performed at the gene level.

Expression for ENST00000506661 (lncRNA)Expression for TCONS_00099312

Is lncRNA (ENST00000506661) differentially expressed?
Gene id Direction Adjusted p-value Fold change EBSeq confirmed? edgeR confirmed?
ENSG00000171476 - >0.05 - - -

Is the interacting transcript (TCONS_00099312) differentially expressed?
Gene id Direction Adjusted p-value Fold change EBSeq confirmed? edgeR confirmed?
ENSG00000103257 - >0.05 - - -

NOTE: the differential expression results were calculated for KTCN vs non-KTCN samples.
The KTCN samples: KC_15, KC_16, KC_17, KC_18, KC_19, KC_20, KC_21, KC_22, KC_23, KC_25, KC_26, KC_28, KC_30, KC_31, KC_32, KC_34, KC_55
The non-KTCN samples: KR_08, KR_13, KR_14, KR_15, KR_18, KR_19, KR_21, KR_23, KR_24, KR_25, KR_26, KR_27, KR_28, KR_33, KR_35, KR_48, KR_52