Detailed information on ENST00000335577

lncRNA-RNA interactions

Number of interactions: 13

Potential function Interacting transcript Gene description Transcript biotype lncRNA id Alignment score (LAST) Alignment length Transcript region involved in interaction Genomic orientation of interacting RNAs
ENST00000560870 sense_intronic sense intronic ENST00000335577 563 275 noncoding Trans
ENST00000569832 SSTR5 antisense RNA 1 lincRNA ENST00000335577 538 265 noncoding Trans
TCONS_00030588 cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3 novel protein coding ENST00000335577 525 288 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00033132 dynein heavy chain domain 1 novel protein coding ENST00000335577 604 273 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00148450 coiled-coil domain containing 88A novel protein coding ENST00000335577 606 277 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00163367 runt-related transcription factor 1 novel protein coding ENST00000335577 625 275 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00195633 aspartylglucosaminidase novel protein coding ENST00000335577 549 274 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00199319 sorting nexin 24 novel noncoding ENST00000335577 618 282 noncoding Trans
TCONS_00204911 erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 4A novel noncoding ENST00000335577 634 279 noncoding Trans
TCONS_00204916 erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 4A novel protein coding ENST00000335577 634 279 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00235281 NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) complex I, assembly factor 6 novel protein coding ENST00000335577 619 268 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00240688 metastasis suppressor 1 novel protein coding ENST00000335577 609 277 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00252827 discs, large homolog 3 (Drosophila) novel protein coding ENST00000335577 632 280 UTR5 Trans


>TCONS_00252827 (509 nt)


Full and truncated open reading frames discovered in TCONS_00252827

In silico ORF/peptide predictions
Nothing found.

RiboTaper predictions from Ribo-Seq data (HEK293 cell line)
Nothing found.

BLAST search results

No hits found.