Detailed information on ENST00000366446

lncRNA-RNA interactions

Number of interactions: 24

Potential function Interacting transcript Gene description Transcript biotype lncRNA id Alignment score (LAST) Alignment length Transcript region involved in interaction Genomic orientation of interacting RNAs
ENST00000378004 Rho GTPase activating protein 26 protein coding ENST00000366446 619 254 UTR3 Trans
ENST00000422247 centrosomal protein 135kDa protein coding ENST00000366446 602 256 UTR3 Trans
ENST00000424496 sense_intronic sense intronic ENST00000366446 602 254 noncoding Trans
TCONS_00001594 lincRNA novel protein coding ENST00000366446 605 257 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00039782 GRAM domain containing 1B novel protein coding ENST00000366446 652 254 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00067572 DCN1, defective in cullin neddylation 1, domain containing 2 novel protein coding ENST00000366446 643 256 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00075917 ribosomal protein S6 kinase, 90kDa, polypeptide 5 novel noncoding ENST00000366446 648 254 noncoding Trans
TCONS_00109427 serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1 (soluble) novel protein coding ENST00000366446 617 253 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00116668 desmoglein 3 novel protein coding ENST00000366446 578 232 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00118919 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 1 novel protein coding ENST00000366446 620 254 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00119049 GRB2 associated, regulator of MAPK1 novel protein coding ENST00000366446 668 253 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00150696 septin 10 novel protein coding ENST00000366446 643 253 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00165085 SPECC1L-ADORA2A readthrough (NMD candidate) novel protein coding ENST00000366446 650 255 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00165089 SPECC1L-ADORA2A readthrough (NMD candidate) novel protein coding ENST00000366446 650 255 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00165090 SPECC1L-ADORA2A readthrough (NMD candidate) novel protein coding ENST00000366446 650 255 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00184373 neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase 1 novel protein coding ENST00000366446 625 255 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00194652 E74-like factor 2 (ets domain transcription factor) novel protein coding ENST00000366446 638 254 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00194655 E74-like factor 2 (ets domain transcription factor) novel protein coding ENST00000366446 638 254 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00194682 E74-like factor 2 (ets domain transcription factor) novel protein coding ENST00000366446 659 253 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00194686 E74-like factor 2 (ets domain transcription factor) novel protein coding ENST00000366446 618 258 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00194686 E74-like factor 2 (ets domain transcription factor) novel protein coding ENST00000366446 659 253 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00222403 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 12 novel protein coding ENST00000366446 619 255 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00235708 oxidation resistance 1 novel protein coding ENST00000366446 617 254 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00247058 UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,4- galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 1 novel protein coding ENST00000366446 613 255 UTR3 Trans


>TCONS_00247058 (818 nt)


Full and truncated open reading frames discovered in TCONS_00247058

In silico ORF/peptide predictions
Nothing found.

RiboTaper predictions from Ribo-Seq data (HEK293 cell line)
Nothing found.

BLAST search results

No hits found.