Detailed information on ENST00000518795

lncRNA-RNA interactions

Number of interactions: 51

Potential function Interacting transcript Gene description Transcript biotype lncRNA id Alignment score (LAST) Alignment length Transcript region involved in interaction Genomic orientation of interacting RNAs
ENST00000276431 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 10b protein coding ENST00000518795 564 284 UTR3 Trans
ENST00000357613 transmembrane protein 170A protein coding ENST00000518795 600 271 UTR3 Trans
ENST00000448612 WD repeat domain 27 protein coding ENST00000518795 554 300 CDS Trans
ENST00000450928 antisense antisense ENST00000518795 530 289 noncoding Trans
ENST00000511184 E74-like factor 2 (ets domain transcription factor) nonsense mediated decay ENST00000518795 625 287 CDS_UTR Trans
ENST00000549365 DNA-damage regulated autophagy modulator 1 nonsense mediated decay ENST00000518795 582 279 CDS_UTR Trans
ENST00000568559 transmembrane protein 170A nonsense mediated decay ENST00000518795 600 271 UTR3 Trans
ENST00000569540 transmembrane protein 170A protein coding ENST00000518795 600 271 UTR3 Trans
ENST00000620139 melanoregulin protein coding ENST00000518795 593 291 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00001594 lincRNA novel protein coding ENST00000518795 617 278 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00027001 programmed cell death 4 (neoplastic transformation inhibitor) novel protein coding ENST00000518795 636 279 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00027009 programmed cell death 4 (neoplastic transformation inhibitor) novel protein coding ENST00000518795 636 279 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00030130 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II gamma novel protein coding ENST00000518795 666 284 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00030591 cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 626 285 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00034643 CD82 molecule novel protein coding ENST00000518795 614 284 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00065093 UBA domain containing 2 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 657 285 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00065094 UBA domain containing 2 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 626 300 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00065094 UBA domain containing 2 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 657 285 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00065097 UBA domain containing 2 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 626 300 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00065103 UBA domain containing 2 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 626 300 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00065103 UBA domain containing 2 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 657 285 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00098745 transmembrane protein 170A novel protein coding ENST00000518795 600 271 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00109427 serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1 (soluble) novel protein coding ENST00000518795 605 275 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00118358 l(3)mbt-like 4 (Drosophila) novel protein coding ENST00000518795 610 272 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00118361 l(3)mbt-like 4 (Drosophila) novel protein coding ENST00000518795 610 272 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00119512 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 7C novel protein coding ENST00000518795 618 278 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00123889 ribosomal protein SA pseudogene 58 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 624 277 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00123899 ribosomal protein SA pseudogene 58 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 624 277 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00137691 FOS-like antigen 2 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 604 281 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00141404 GLI family zinc finger 2 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 613 278 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00147093 ATPase family, AAA domain containing 2B novel protein coding ENST00000518795 613 287 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00147093 ATPase family, AAA domain containing 2B novel protein coding ENST00000518795 612 284 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00147100 ATPase family, AAA domain containing 2B novel protein coding ENST00000518795 612 284 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00147106 ATPase family, AAA domain containing 2B novel protein coding ENST00000518795 612 284 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00148698 WD repeat containing planar cell polarity effector novel noncoding ENST00000518795 631 271 noncoding Trans
TCONS_00148704 WD repeat containing planar cell polarity effector novel protein coding ENST00000518795 631 271 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00148705 WD repeat containing planar cell polarity effector novel protein coding ENST00000518795 631 271 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00168219 THO complex 5 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 609 254 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00168220 THO complex 5 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 609 254 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00171146 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 2 novel noncoding ENST00000518795 600 292 noncoding Trans
TCONS_00185321 transferrin receptor novel protein coding ENST00000518795 600 285 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00194682 E74-like factor 2 (ets domain transcription factor) novel protein coding ENST00000518795 625 287 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00194686 E74-like factor 2 (ets domain transcription factor) novel protein coding ENST00000518795 625 287 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00202828 myotubularin related protein 12 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 621 285 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00213191 tubby like protein 4 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 629 277 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00219475 WD repeat domain 27 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 554 300 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00234854 zinc finger and BTB domain containing 10 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 609 263 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00239255 tumor protein D52 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 631 285 UTR5 Trans
TCONS_00239255 tumor protein D52 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 654 284 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00245543 long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 963 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 602 272 UTR3 Trans
TCONS_00249092 transmembrane protein 245 novel protein coding ENST00000518795 639 271 UTR5 Trans


>TCONS_00249092 (715 nt)


Full and truncated open reading frames discovered in TCONS_00249092

In silico ORF/peptide predictions
Nothing found.

RiboTaper predictions from Ribo-Seq data (HEK293 cell line)
Nothing found.

BLAST search results

No hits found.