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Record detailsTranscriptsEventCDS/UTRGene nameTranscript biotypeDescription
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00143590
editingutr5FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00143590
editingutr5FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00146349
SMDutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00149023
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00149023
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00149032
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00149032
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00149036
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00149036
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00149038
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00149038
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00149038
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00149038
SMDutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00165704
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00165704
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00170440
editingutr5FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00170940
editingutr5FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00171250
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00175016
editingutr5FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00177958
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00182091
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00182091
editingutr5FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00193473
editingutr5FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00193473
editingutr5FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00199977
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00203784
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00203784
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00203923
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00216025
editingutr5FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00218273
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00218273
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00218339
editingutr5FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00218594
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00218594
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00218595
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00218595
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00221754
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00221754
SMDutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00228468
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00228468
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00228471
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00228471
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00228477
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00228477
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00231573
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00231573
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00231573
editingutr5FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00237197
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00238345
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2
Transcript: TCONS_00150599
lncRNA: TCONS_00238345
editingutr3FHL2novel protein codingfour and a half LIM domains 2