RetrogeneDB ID: | retro_dnov_891 | ||
Retrocopylocation | Organism: | Armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) | |
Coordinates: | scaffold_11859:8080..8417(-) | ||
Located in intron of: | None | ||
Retrocopyinformation | Ensembl ID: | None | |
Aliases: | None | ||
Status: | NOVEL | ||
Parental geneinformation | Parental gene summary: | ||
Parental gene symbol: | MAGOHB | ||
Ensembl ID: | ENSDNOG00000005997 | ||
Aliases: | None | ||
Description: | mago-nashi homolog B (Drosophila) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:25504] |
Percent Identity: | 78.45 % |
Parental protein coverage: | 99.13 % |
Number of stop codons detected: | 2 |
Number of frameshifts detected | 2 |
* | Stop codon |
> | Forward frameshift by one nucleotide |
< | Reverse frameshift by one nucleotide |
Library | Retrocopy expression | Parental gene expression |
SRP012922_ascending_colon | 0 .97 RPM | 9 .33 RPM |
SRP012922_cerebellum | 0 .00 RPM | 7 .42 RPM |
SRP012922_heart | 0 .23 RPM | 5 .57 RPM |
SRP012922_kidney | 0 .55 RPM | 7 .12 RPM |
SRP012922_liver | 0 .15 RPM | 3 .87 RPM |
SRP012922_lung | 0 .61 RPM | 7 .79 RPM |
SRP012922_quadricep_muscle | 0 .17 RPM | 3 .81 RPM |
SRP012922_spleen | 0 .69 RPM | 8 .01 RPM |
Species | Parental gene accession | Retrocopies number | |
Bos taurus | ENSBTAG00000019235 | 1 retrocopy | |
Choloepus hoffmanni | ENSCHOG00000004382 | 1 retrocopy | |
Callithrix jacchus | ENSCJAG00000021662 | 7 retrocopies | |
Dasypus novemcinctus | ENSDNOG00000005997 | 4 retrocopies | |
Echinops telfairi | ENSETEG00000016591 | 3 retrocopies | |
Homo sapiens | ENSG00000111196 | 1 retrocopy | |
Macropus eugenii | ENSMEUG00000001782 | 1 retrocopy | |
Myotis lucifugus | ENSMLUG00000003527 | 2 retrocopies | |
Macaca mulatta | ENSMMUG00000005082 | 1 retrocopy | |
Monodelphis domestica | ENSMODG00000000462 | 1 retrocopy | |
Nomascus leucogenys | ENSNLEG00000003355 | 1 retrocopy | |
Ochotona princeps | ENSOPRG00000000548 | 2 retrocopies | |
Pan troglodytes | ENSPTRG00000004679 | 2 retrocopies | |
Sus scrofa | ENSSSCG00000000635 | 1 retrocopy | |
Ictidomys tridecemlineatus | ENSSTOG00000000835 | 1 retrocopy | |
Tupaia belangeri | ENSTBEG00000014820 | 7 retrocopies | |
Tarsius syrichta | ENSTSYG00000010452 | 7 retrocopies | |
Tursiops truncatus | ENSTTRG00000001272 | 2 retrocopies |