RetrogeneDB ID:


Organism:Mouse (Mus musculus)
Located in intron of:None
Ensembl ID:None
Parental gene
Parental gene summary:
Parental gene symbol:Tma7
Ensembl ID:ENSMUSG00000091537
Aliases:Tma7, 1110017O22Rik, Ccdc72
Description:translational machinery associated 7 homolog (S. cerevisiae) [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:1913417]

Retrocopy-Parental alignment summary:


ORF - retro_mmus_2975 Open Reading Frame is conserved.
Retrocopy - Parental Gene Alignment summary:
Percent Identity: 98.44 %
Parental protein coverage: 100. %
Number of stop codons detected: 0
Number of frameshifts detected 0

Retrocopy - Parental Gene Alignment:


*Stop codon
>Forward frameshift by one nucleotide
<Reverse frameshift by one nucleotide

(Hint: click retrocopy or parental gene accession number on the plot's legend, to show / hide expression level values)

Expression validation based on RNA-Seq data:
Library Retrocopy expression Parental gene expression
SRP007412_brain 0 .23 RPM 10 .07 RPM
SRP007412_cerebellum 2 .43 RPM 7 .08 RPM
SRP007412_heart 0 .00 RPM 17 .53 RPM
SRP007412_kidney 1 .77 RPM 15 .34 RPM
SRP007412_liver 0 .76 RPM 11 .03 RPM
SRP007412_testis 2 .93 RPM 15 .14 RPM
RNA Polymerase II actvity near the 5' end of retro_mmus_2975 was not detected
No EST(s) were mapped for retro_mmus_2975 retrocopy.

TSS No. TSS Name TSS expression level (Expr) in TPM range:
no expression 0 < Expr ≤ 1 1 < Expr ≤ 5 5 < Expr ≤ 10 Expr > 10
TSS #1 TSS_129486282 libraries303 libraries473 libraries13 libraries1 library

The graphical summary, for retro_mmus_2975 TSS expression levels > 0 TPM .
TSS expression levels were studied across 1072 TSS-CAGE libraries, based on FANTOM5 data.
The expression values were visualized using beanplot. If you have any doubts, how to read it, read more in Kampstra P (2008)

retro_mmus_2975 was not experimentally validated.

Retrocopy orthology:
Retrocopy retro_mmus_2975 has 0 orthologous retrocopies within eutheria group .

Parental genes homology:
Parental genes homology involve 9 parental genes, and 61 retrocopies.

Species Parental gene accession Retrocopies number
Ailuropoda melanoleuca ENSAMEG000000011936 retrocopies
Callithrix jacchus ENSCJAG0000000287118 retrocopies
Felis catus ENSFCAG000000269025 retrocopies
Gorilla gorilla ENSGGOG000000280443 retrocopies
Mus musculus ENSMUSG00000091537 11 retrocopies
Pan troglodytes ENSPTRG000000417699 retrocopies
Rattus norvegicus ENSRNOG000000426892 retrocopies
Rattus norvegicus ENSRNOG000000472251 retrocopy
Sus scrofa ENSSSCG000000113516 retrocopies

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