miRNEST 2.0: an integrative microRNA resource miRNEST 2.0, an integrative microRNA resource :: BLAST

BLASTN 2.2.20 [Feb-08-2009]

Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, 
Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), 
"Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search
programs",  Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.
>RF00943;MIR824;AC189548.2/18653-19283 51351:Brassica rapa subsp.
          Length = 631

 Score = 75.8 bits (38), Expect = 5e-13
 Identities = 60/66 (90%), Gaps = 1/66 (1%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 355 ggagtgggggaggtgctggattatttc-cccttctcatcgatggtctagatttgcgaggt 413
           ||||||||| ||||||||| |||||   ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 558 ggagtggggaaggtgctgggttattagtcccttctcatcgatggtctagatgtgcgaggt 617

Query: 414 gactct 419
Sbjct: 618 gactct 623

 Score = 65.9 bits (33), Expect = 4e-10
 Identities = 42/45 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 11 ctcgagttgtctctcatatctagaccatttgtgagaaggggtttt 55
          |||||||||||| |||| |||||||||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 1  ctcgagttgtctttcatgtctagaccatttgtgagaagggatttt 45

>RF00943;MIR824;FM164204.1/27-664 3702:Arabidopsis thaliana (thale
          Length = 638

 Score = 67.9 bits (34), Expect = 1e-10
 Identities = 37/38 (97%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 382 cccttctcatcgatggtctagatttgcgaggtgactct 419
           ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 593 cccttctcatcgatggtctagatgtgcgaggtgactct 630

 Score = 65.9 bits (33), Expect = 4e-10
 Identities = 36/37 (97%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 14 gagttgtctctcatatctagaccatttgtgagaaggg 50
          |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 4  gagttgtctctcatgtctagaccatttgtgagaaggg 40

>RF00943;MIR824;FM164206.1/41-590 3702:Arabidopsis thaliana (thale
          Length = 550

 Score = 67.9 bits (34), Expect = 1e-10
 Identities = 37/38 (97%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 382 cccttctcatcgatggtctagatttgcgaggtgactct 419
           ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 505 cccttctcatcgatggtctagatgtgcgaggtgactct 542

 Score = 65.9 bits (33), Expect = 4e-10
 Identities = 36/37 (97%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 14 gagttgtctctcatatctagaccatttgtgagaaggg 50
          |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 4  gagttgtctctcatgtctagaccatttgtgagaaggg 40