miRNEST 2.0: an integrative microRNA resource miRNEST 2.0, an integrative microRNA resource :: BLAST

BLASTN 2.2.20 [Feb-08-2009]

Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, 
Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), 
"Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search
programs",  Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.
>RF00246;mir-135;AADN02044924.1/11852-11762 9031:Gallus gallus
          Length = 91

 Score =  133 bits (67), Expect = 4e-31
 Identities = 76/79 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  cctctgctgtggtttatggctttttattcctatgtgattgctttcccgaactcatgtagg 60
          ||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 3  cctctgctgtggtctatggctttttattcctatgtgattgcttttcctaactcatgtagg 62

Query: 61 gcgaaaagccatgggctac 79
Sbjct: 63 gcgaaaagccatgggctac 81

>RF00246;mir-135;AAGU02576112.1/3465-3375 9785:Loxodonta africana
          (African savanna elephant)
          Length = 91

 Score = 93.7 bits (47), Expect = 3e-19
 Identities = 71/79 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 2  ctctgctgtggtttatggctttttattcctatgtgattgctttcccgaactcatgtaggg 61
          |||||||| ||  |||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| | || |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 4  ctctgctgcggcctatggcttttcattcctatgtgattgctgttcccaactcatgtaggg 63

Query: 62 cgaaaagccatgggctaca 80
          | |||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 64 ctaaaagccatgggctaca 82

>RF00246;mir-135;AAPN01269426.1/3344-3254 9258:Ornithorhynchus
          anatinus (platypus)
          Length = 91

 Score = 89.7 bits (45), Expect = 5e-18
 Identities = 75/85 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 2  ctctgctgtggtttatggctttttattcctatgtgattgctttcccgaactcatgtaggg 61
          |||||||||||  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||     ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 4  ctctgctgtggcctatggctttttattcctatgtgattgctgctttgaactcatgtaggg 63

Query: 62 cgaaaagccatgggctacacagagg 86
          |  |||||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 64 ctgaaagccatgggctacagagagg 88

>RF00246;mir-135;AAPE01018078.1/3690-3601 59463:Myotis lucifugus
          (little brown bat)
          Length = 90

 Score = 77.8 bits (39), Expect = 2e-14
 Identities = 70/79 (88%), Gaps = 1/79 (1%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 2  ctctgctgtggtttatggctttttattcctatgtgattgctttcccgaactcatgtaggg 61
          |||||||||||  |||||||||| ||||||||||||||||  |   ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 4  ctctgctgtggcctatggcttttcattcctatgtgattgccgttg-gaactcatgtaggg 62

Query: 62 cgaaaagccatgggctaca 80
          | |||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 63 ctaaaagccatgggctaca 81

>RF00246;mir-135;AAVX01101128.1/378-289 7868:Callorhinchus milii
          (ghost shark)
          Length = 90

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 5e-09
 Identities = 33/34 (97%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 7  ctgtggtttatggctttttattcctatgtgattg 40
          ||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 9  ctgtgctttatggctttttattcctatgtgattg 42

>RF00246;mir-135;CR931939.21/9836-9927 7955:Danio rerio
          Length = 92

 Score = 56.0 bits (28), Expect = 7e-08
 Identities = 34/36 (94%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 4  ctgctgtggtttatggctttttattcctatgtgatt 39
          |||||||| ||||||||||| |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 6  ctgctgtgttttatggctttctattcctatgtgatt 41

>RF00246;mir-135;AADN02005966.1/161306-161395 9031:Gallus gallus
          Length = 90

 Score = 52.0 bits (26), Expect = 1e-06
 Identities = 26/26 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 13 tttatggctttttattcctatgtgat 38
Sbjct: 15 tttatggctttttattcctatgtgat 40

>RF00246;mir-135;AAPN01299361.1/1140-1229 9258:Ornithorhynchus
          anatinus (platypus)
          Length = 90

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 5e-06
 Identities = 31/33 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 6  gctgtggtttatggctttttattcctatgtgat 38
          |||||| | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 8  gctgtgctctatggctttttattcctatgtgat 40

>RF00246;mir-135;ABRQ01460659.1/5464-5553 9813:Procavia capensis
          (cape rock hyrax)
          Length = 90

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 5e-06
 Identities = 25/25 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 15 tatggctttttattcctatgtgatt 39
Sbjct: 17 tatggctttttattcctatgtgatt 41

>RF00246;mir-135;AAWZ01006677.1/107967-108057 28377:Anolis
          carolinensis (green anole)
          Length = 91

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 5e-06
 Identities = 25/25 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 15 tatggctttttattcctatgtgatt 39
Sbjct: 17 tatggctttttattcctatgtgatt 41

>RF00246;mir-135;ABQF01031688.1/17601-17511 59729:Taeniopygia
          Length = 91

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 5e-06
 Identities = 25/25 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 15 tatggctttttattcctatgtgatt 39
Sbjct: 17 tatggctttttattcctatgtgatt 41

>RF00246;mir-135;AADN02056441.1/1410-1500 9031:Gallus gallus
          Length = 91

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 5e-06
 Identities = 25/25 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 15 tatggctttttattcctatgtgatt 39
Sbjct: 17 tatggctttttattcctatgtgatt 41

>RF00246;mir-135;CR352232.20/105648-105557 7955:Danio rerio
          Length = 92

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 5e-06
 Identities = 31/33 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 7  ctgtggtttatggctttttattcctatgtgatt 39
          ||||| ||||||||||| |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 9  ctgtgctttatggctttctattcctatgtgatt 41

>RF00246;mir-135;CAAB01002540.1/26990-26899 31033:Takifugu
          Length = 92

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 5e-06
 Identities = 25/25 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 14 ttatggctttttattcctatgtgat 38
Sbjct: 16 ttatggctttttattcctatgtgat 40

>RF00246;mir-135;BAAE01018119.1/1524-1435 8090:Oryzias latipes
          (Japanese medaka)
          Length = 90

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 5e-06
 Identities = 25/25 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 14 ttatggctttttattcctatgtgat 38
Sbjct: 16 ttatggctttttattcctatgtgat 40

>RF00246;mir-135;CR381618.15/176832-176743 7955:Danio rerio
          Length = 90

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 24/24 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 14 ttatggctttttattcctatgtga 37
Sbjct: 16 ttatggctttttattcctatgtga 39

>RF00246;mir-135;AANH01001634.1/39339-39250 69293:Gasterosteus
          aculeatus (three-spined stickleback)
          Length = 90

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 24/24 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 15 tatggctttttattcctatgtgat 38
Sbjct: 17 tatggctttttattcctatgtgat 40

>RF00246;mir-135;BAAF04004921.1/4146-4237 8090:Oryzias latipes
          (Japanese medaka)
          Length = 92

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 33/36 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 4  ctgctgtggtttatggctttttattcctatgtgatt 39
          ||||||||  |||||||||| |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 6  ctgctgtgtcttatggctttctattcctatgtgatt 41

>RF00246;mir-135;AAVX01218173.1/698-790 7868:Callorhinchus milii
          (ghost shark)
          Length = 93

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 24/24 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 15 tatggctttttattcctatgtgat 38
Sbjct: 17 tatggctttttattcctatgtgat 40