miRNEST 2.0: an integrative microRNA resource miRNEST 2.0, an integrative microRNA resource :: BLAST

BLASTN 2.2.20 [Feb-08-2009]

Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, 
Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), 
"Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search
programs",  Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.
>RF00144;mir-199;ABRQ01043924.1/1531-1628 9813:Procavia capensis
           (cape rock hyrax)
          Length = 98

 Score =  194 bits (98), Expect = 2e-49
 Identities = 98/98 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 7   gacacctccactccgtctacccagtgtttagactatctgttcaggactcccaaattgtac 66
Sbjct: 1   gacacctccactccgtctacccagtgtttagactatctgttcaggactcccaaattgtac 60

Query: 67  agtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggctgggttagac 104
Sbjct: 61  agtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggctgggttagac 98

>RF00144;mir-199;AAHX01020762.1/285-187 10116:Rattus norvegicus
           (Norway rat)
          Length = 99

 Score =  165 bits (83), Expect = 1e-40
 Identities = 86/87 (98%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 19  ccgtctacccagtgtttagactatctgttcaggactcccaaattgtacagtagtctgcac 78
           ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 13  ccgtctacccagtgtttagactacctgttcaggactcccaaattgtacagtagtctgcac 72

Query: 79  attggttaggctgggctgggttagacc 105
Sbjct: 73  attggttaggctgggctgggttagacc 99

>RF00144;mir-199;AADN02026635.1/12137-12039 9031:Gallus gallus
          Length = 99

 Score =  117 bits (59), Expect = 3e-26
 Identities = 80/87 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 12 ctccactccgtctacccagtgtttagactatctgttcaggactcccaaattgtacagtag 71
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||| |||||| |||||||||||| | | ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 6  ctccactccgtctgcccagtgttcagactacctgttcaggactacgagattgtacagtag 65

Query: 72 tctgcacattggttaggctgggctggg 98
          |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||
Sbjct: 66 tctgcacattggttaggctgtgctggg 92

>RF00144;mir-199;AANU01122656.1/5080-5181 9544:Macaca mulatta
          (rhesus monkey)
          Length = 102

 Score = 83.8 bits (42), Expect = 4e-16
 Identities = 66/73 (90%), Gaps = 2/73 (2%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 25 acccagtgtttagactatctgttcagga--ctcccaaattgtacagtagtctgcacattg 82
          |||||||||| |||||| ||||||||||  ||| |||  |||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 20 acccagtgttcagactacctgttcaggaggctctcaacgtgtacagtagtctgcacattg 79

Query: 83 gttaggctgggct 95
Sbjct: 80 gttaggctgggct 92

>RF00144;mir-199;AAWR02017790.1/21207-21308 9796:Equus caballus
          Length = 102

 Score = 71.9 bits (36), Expect = 2e-12
 Identities = 63/71 (88%), Gaps = 2/71 (2%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 26 cccagtgtttagactatctgttcagga--ctcccaaattgtacagtagtctgcacattgg 83
          ||||||||| |||||| |||||||||   |||| ||  ||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 21 cccagtgttcagactacctgttcagggggctccgaatgtgtacagtagtctgcacattgg 80

Query: 84 ttaggctgggc 94
Sbjct: 81 ttaggctgggc 91

>RF00144;mir-199;AAFR03049221.1/24866-24967 13616:Monodelphis
          domestica (gray short-tailed opossum)
          Length = 102

 Score = 67.9 bits (34), Expect = 3e-11
 Identities = 34/34 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 62 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggct 95
Sbjct: 59 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggct 92

>RF00144;mir-199;AAQQ01144563.1/4013-4113 43179:Spermophilus
          tridecemlineatus (thirteen-lined ground squirrel)
          Length = 101

 Score = 67.9 bits (34), Expect = 3e-11
 Identities = 34/34 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 62 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggct 95
Sbjct: 58 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggct 91

>RF00144;mir-199;AAHY01076446.1/77391-77291 10090:Mus musculus
          (house mouse)
          Length = 101

 Score = 67.9 bits (34), Expect = 3e-11
 Identities = 34/34 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 62 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggct 95
Sbjct: 58 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggct 91

>RF00144;mir-199;AAKN02056464.1/56518-56417 10141:Cavia porcellus
          (domestic guinea pig)
          Length = 102

 Score = 67.9 bits (34), Expect = 3e-11
 Identities = 34/34 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 62 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggct 95
Sbjct: 59 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggct 92

>RF00144;mir-199;CAAK05055714.1/3303-3204 7955:Danio rerio
          Length = 100

 Score = 67.9 bits (34), Expect = 3e-11
 Identities = 58/66 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 26 cccagtgtttagactatctgttcaggactcccaaattgtacagtagtctgcacattggtt 85
          ||||||||| |||||| ||||||||| |    | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 21 cccagtgttcagactacctgttcagggcgtagagattgtacagtagtctgcacattggtt 80

Query: 86 aggctg 91
Sbjct: 81 aggctg 86

>RF00144;mir-199;AANH01004317.1/876-975 69293:Gasterosteus
          aculeatus (three-spined stickleback)
          Length = 100

 Score = 67.9 bits (34), Expect = 3e-11
 Identities = 34/34 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 65 acagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggctggg 98
Sbjct: 60 acagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggctggg 93

>RF00144;mir-199;ABDC01156515.1/926-825 30608:Microcebus murinus
          (gray mouse lemur)
          Length = 102

 Score = 65.9 bits (33), Expect = 1e-10
 Identities = 33/33 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 63 gtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggct 95
Sbjct: 60 gtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggct 92

>RF00144;mir-199;AAWZ01010560.1/117412-117513 28377:Anolis
          carolinensis (green anole)
          Length = 102

 Score = 65.9 bits (33), Expect = 1e-10
 Identities = 63/72 (87%), Gaps = 2/72 (2%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 26 cccagtgtttagactatctgttcagga--ctcccaaattgtacagtagtctgcacattgg 83
          ||||||||| |||||| ||||||||||  || | ||  ||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 21 cccagtgttcagactacctgttcaggaagctacaaaggtgtacagtagtctgcacattgg 80

Query: 84 ttaggctgggct 95
          |||| |||||||
Sbjct: 81 ttagactgggct 92

>RF00144;mir-199;CU138550.14/80968-81064 7955:Danio rerio
          Length = 97

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 4e-10
 Identities = 32/32 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 61 ttgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgg 92
Sbjct: 55 ttgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgg 86

>RF00144;mir-199;ABPJ01035359.1/311-410 35575:Mchenga conophoros
          Length = 100

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 4e-10
 Identities = 32/32 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 61 ttgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgg 92
Sbjct: 56 ttgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgg 87

>RF00144;mir-199;AANH01004681.1/136443-136347 69293:Gasterosteus
          aculeatus (three-spined stickleback)
          Length = 97

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 4e-10
 Identities = 32/32 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 61 ttgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgg 92
Sbjct: 55 ttgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgg 86

>RF00144;mir-199;BAAE01013242.1/84-183 8090:Oryzias latipes
          (Japanese medaka)
          Length = 100

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 4e-10
 Identities = 32/32 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 61 ttgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgg 92
Sbjct: 56 ttgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgg 87

>RF00144;mir-199;AAHX01053598.1/14659-14563 10116:Rattus
          norvegicus (Norway rat)
          Length = 97

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 6e-09
 Identities = 33/34 (97%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 62 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggct 95
          |||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 54 tgtacagtagtcagcacattggttaggctgggct 87

>RF00144;mir-199;ABRQ01040059.1/381-480 9813:Procavia capensis
          (cape rock hyrax)
          Length = 100

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 6e-09
 Identities = 58/66 (87%), Gaps = 1/66 (1%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 25 acccagtgtttagactatctgttcaggactcccaaat-tgtacagtagtctgcacattgg 83
          |||||||||| |||||| |||||||||  | |  ||| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 20 acccagtgttcagactacctgttcaggggttctgaatgtgtacagtagtctgcacattgg 79

Query: 84 ttaggc 89
Sbjct: 80 ttaggc 85

>RF00144;mir-199;ABQF01040854.1/79152-79251 59729:Taeniopygia
          Length = 100

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 6e-09
 Identities = 33/34 (97%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 61 ttgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggc 94
          ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||
Sbjct: 56 ttgtacagtagtctgcacattggttagactgggc 89

>RF00144;mir-199;BX088529.6/78678-78580 7955:Danio rerio
          Length = 99

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 6e-09
 Identities = 33/34 (97%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 65 acagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggctggg 98
          ||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 59 acagtagtccgcacattggttaggctgggctggg 92

>RF00144;mir-199;ABPJ01052317.1/532-631 35575:Mchenga conophoros
          Length = 100

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 6e-09
 Identities = 33/34 (97%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 65 acagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggctggg 98
          |||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 60 acagtagtctgcacattggttaggctaggctggg 93

>RF00144;mir-199;CAAB01000803.1/18144-18243 31033:Takifugu
          Length = 100

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 2e-08
 Identities = 32/33 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 62 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggc 94
          |||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||
Sbjct: 57 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttagactgggc 89

>RF00144;mir-199;AANH01005434.1/24491-24590 69293:Gasterosteus
          aculeatus (three-spined stickleback)
          Length = 100

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 2e-08
 Identities = 32/33 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 62 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggc 94
          |||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||
Sbjct: 57 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttagactgggc 89

>RF00144;mir-199;BAAF04061048.1/5562-5661 8090:Oryzias latipes
          (Japanese medaka)
          Length = 100

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 2e-08
 Identities = 32/33 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 62 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggc 94
          |||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||
Sbjct: 57 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttagactgggc 89

>RF00144;mir-199;ABRO01249229.1/2824-2923 10020:Dipodomys ordii
          (Ord's kangaroo rat)
          Length = 100

 Score = 56.0 bits (28), Expect = 1e-07
 Identities = 31/32 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 62 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttaggctggg 93
          |||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 58 tgtacagtagtctgcacactggttaggctggg 89

>RF00144;mir-199;AAVX01256932.1/291-390 7868:Callorhinchus milii
          (ghost shark)
          Length = 100

 Score = 54.0 bits (27), Expect = 4e-07
 Identities = 27/27 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 61 ttgtacagtagtctgcacattggttag 87
Sbjct: 56 ttgtacagtagtctgcacattggttag 82

>RF00144;mir-199;CT563248.9/85109-85010 7955:Danio rerio
          Length = 100

 Score = 52.0 bits (26), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 26/26 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 62 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttag 87
Sbjct: 57 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttag 82

>RF00144;mir-199;CAAB01001079.1/26340-26439 31033:Takifugu
          Length = 100

 Score = 52.0 bits (26), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 26/26 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 62 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttag 87
Sbjct: 57 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttag 82

>RF00144;mir-199;CAAB01000177.1/183726-183824 31033:Takifugu
          Length = 99

 Score = 52.0 bits (26), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 32/34 (94%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 65 acagtagtctgcacattggttaggctgggctggg 98
          |||||||||||||||||||||| |||||| ||||
Sbjct: 60 acagtagtctgcacattggttaagctgggttggg 93

>RF00144;mir-199;BAAE01184372.1/319-221 8090:Oryzias latipes
          (Japanese medaka)
          Length = 99

 Score = 52.0 bits (26), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 26/26 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 65 acagtagtctgcacattggttaggct 90
Sbjct: 60 acagtagtctgcacattggttaggct 85

>RF00144;mir-199;BAAF04076833.1/4729-4828 8090:Oryzias latipes
          (Japanese medaka)
          Length = 100

 Score = 52.0 bits (26), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 26/26 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 62 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttag 87
Sbjct: 57 tgtacagtagtctgcacattggttag 82