miRNEST 2.0: an integrative microRNA resource miRNEST 2.0, an integrative microRNA resource :: BLAST

BLASTN 2.2.20 [Feb-08-2009]

Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, 
Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), 
"Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search
programs",  Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.
          Length = 115

 Score =  103 bits (52), Expect = 3e-23
 Identities = 79/88 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 20  attattccgtcggtgattggcagtggcatttggagtaattttattccaaccctctgtaaa 79
           |||||||||||||||||| | ||||||||||   ||||||||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 20  attattccgtcggtgatttgtagtggcatttattgtaattttattccaaccctctataaa 79

Query: 80  atatcgacgaaattattccgtcggtgat 107
           ||| ||||| ||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 80  ataccgacggaataattccgtcggtgat 107

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 9e-05
 Identities = 24/25 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 85  gacgaaattattccgtcggtgattt 109
           ||||| |||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 14  gacgagattattccgtcggtgattt 38

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 26/28 (92%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 9   ataccgatggaattattccgtcggtgat 36
           ||||||| ||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 80  ataccgacggaataattccgtcggtgat 107

          Length = 96

 Score = 99.6 bits (50), Expect = 4e-22
 Identities = 77/86 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 20  attattccgtcggtgattggcagtggcatttggagtaattttattccaaccctctgtaaa 79
           |||||||||||||||||| | ||||||||||   ||||||||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 86  attattccgtcggtgatttgtagtggcatttattgtaattttattccaaccctctataaa 27

Query: 80  atatcgacgaaattattccgtcggtg 105
           ||| ||||| ||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 26  ataccgacggaataattccgtcggtg 1

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 9e-05
 Identities = 24/25 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 85  gacgaaattattccgtcggtgattt 109
           ||||| |||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 92  gacgagattattccgtcggtgattt 68

          Length = 141

 Score = 56.0 bits (28), Expect = 6e-09
 Identities = 49/56 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 54  gtaattttattccaaccctctgtaaaatatcgacgaaattattccgtcggtgattt 109
           |||||||| ||||||| |||||| ||||| ||||| || ||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 85  gtaatttttttccaactctctgtgaaataccgacggaactatgccgtcggtgattt 140

          Length = 84

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 5e-06
 Identities = 26/27 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 7  atataccgatggaattattccgtcggt 33
          |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 44 atataccgatggaaatattccgtcggt 18

          Length = 87

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 5e-06
 Identities = 26/27 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 7  atataccgatggaattattccgtcggt 33
          |||||||||| ||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 29 atataccgatagaattattccgtcggt 55

          Length = 82

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 5e-06
 Identities = 26/27 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 7  atataccgatggaattattccgtcggt 33
          |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 37 atataccgatggaaatattccgtcggt 11

          Length = 61

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 28/30 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 7  atataccgatggaattattccgtcggtgat 36
          ||||||||| ||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 52 atataccgacggaatcattccgtcggtgat 23

          Length = 113

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 28/30 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 7  atataccgatggaattattccgtcggtgat 36
          ||||||||| ||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 37 atataccgacggaatcattccgtcggtgat 8

          Length = 113

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 28/30 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 7  atataccgatggaattattccgtcggtgat 36
          ||||||||| ||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 37 atataccgacggaatcattccgtcggtgat 8

          Length = 113

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 28/30 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 7  atataccgatggaattattccgtcggtgat 36
          ||||||||| ||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 37 atataccgacggaatcattccgtcggtgat 8

          Length = 113

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 28/30 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 7  atataccgatggaattattccgtcggtgat 36
          ||||||||| ||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 37 atataccgacggaatcattccgtcggtgat 8

          Length = 105

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 28/30 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 7   atataccgatggaattattccgtcggtgat 36
           ||||||||| ||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 73  atataccgacggaataattccgtcggtgat 102

          Length = 109

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 28/30 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 7   atataccgatggaattattccgtcggtgat 36
           ||||||||| ||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 75  atataccgacggaatcattccgtcggtgat 104

          Length = 109

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 28/30 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 7   atataccgatggaattattccgtcggtgat 36
           ||||||||| ||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 75  atataccgacggaatcattccgtcggtgat 104

          Length = 109

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 28/30 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 7   atataccgatggaattattccgtcggtgat 36
           ||||||||| ||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 75  atataccgacggaatcattccgtcggtgat 104

          Length = 101

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 9e-05
 Identities = 24/25 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 12 ccgatggaattattccgtcggtgat 36
          |||| ||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 8  ccgacggaattattccgtcggtgat 32

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 84  cgacgaaattattccgtcggtgat 107
           ||||| ||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 9   cgacggaattattccgtcggtgat 32

          Length = 128

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 9e-05
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 84  cgacgaaattattccgtcggt 104
Sbjct: 40  cgacgaaattattccgtcggt 60

          Length = 101

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 9e-05
 Identities = 24/25 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 12 ccgatggaattattccgtcggtgat 36
          |||| ||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 8  ccgacggaattattccgtcggtgat 32

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 84  cgacgaaattattccgtcggtgat 107
           ||||| ||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 9   cgacggaattattccgtcggtgat 32

          Length = 109

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 10 taccgatggaattattccgtcggt 33
          |||||| |||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 8  taccgacggaattattccgtcggt 31

          Length = 103

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 10 taccgatggaattattccgtcggt 33
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 44 taccgatggaaatattccgtcggt 21

          Length = 85

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 10 taccgatggaattattccgtcggt 33
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 35 taccgatggaaatattccgtcggt 12

          Length = 87

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 85  gacgaaattattccgtcggt 104
Sbjct: 1   gacgaaattattccgtcggt 20

          Length = 109

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 10 taccgatggaattattccgtcggt 33
          |||||| |||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 8  taccgacggaattattccgtcggt 31

          Length = 111

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 10  taccgatggaattattccgtcggt 33
           |||||| |||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 103 taccgacggaattattccgtcggt 80

          Length = 109

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 10  taccgatggaattattccgtcggt 33
           |||||| |||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 102 taccgacggaattattccgtcggt 79

          Length = 109

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 10  taccgatggaattattccgtcggt 33
           |||||| |||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 102 taccgacggaattattccgtcggt 79