miRNEST 2.0: an integrative microRNA resource miRNEST 2.0, an integrative microRNA resource :: BLAST

BLASTN 2.2.20 [Feb-08-2009]

Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, 
Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), 
"Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search
programs",  Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.
          Length = 91

 Score =  180 bits (91), Expect = 1e-46
 Identities = 91/91 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcat 60
Sbjct: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcat 60

Query: 61 tgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
Sbjct: 61 tgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91

          Length = 99

 Score =  125 bits (63), Expect = 6e-30
 Identities = 84/91 (92%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcat 60
          |||||||||||   |||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 5  taccgacggaatggttccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtattattttcaccgacggatttcat 64

Query: 61 tgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||| ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 65 tgctgtcaccgacggaatgaatccgtcggta 95

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 4e-06
 Identities = 23/23 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 2  accgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
Sbjct: 28 accgacggaaccattccgtcggt 6

          Length = 99

 Score =  125 bits (63), Expect = 6e-30
 Identities = 84/91 (92%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcat 60
          |||||||||||   |||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 95 taccgacggaatggttccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtattattttcaccgacggatttcat 36

Query: 61 tgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||| ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 35 tgctgtcaccgacggaatgaatccgtcggta 5

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 4e-06
 Identities = 23/23 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 2  accgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
Sbjct: 72 accgacggaaccattccgtcggt 94

          Length = 99

 Score =  121 bits (61), Expect = 9e-29
 Identities = 70/73 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 19 gtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacggaat 78
          |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||| |||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 77 gtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggatttcattgctgtcaccgacagaat 18

Query: 79 gagtccgtcggta 91
Sbjct: 17 gagtccgtcggta 5

          Length = 99

 Score =  109 bits (55), Expect = 3e-25
 Identities = 82/91 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcat 60
          |||||||||| |  ||||||||||||||||||||||||  |||||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 5  taccgacggatcacttccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtattgttttcaccgacggatttcat 64

Query: 61 tgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||| ||||||||||||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 65 tgctgtcaccgacggaattaatccgtcggta 95

          Length = 99

 Score =  109 bits (55), Expect = 3e-25
 Identities = 82/91 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcat 60
          |||||||||| |  ||||||||||||||||||||||||  |||||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 5  taccgacggatcacttccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtattgttttcaccgacggatttcat 64

Query: 61 tgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||| ||||||||||||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 65 tgctatcaccgacggaattaatccgtcggta 95

          Length = 99

 Score =  109 bits (55), Expect = 3e-25
 Identities = 82/91 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcat 60
          |||||||||| |  ||||||||||||||||||||||||  |||||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 5  taccgacggatcacttccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtattgttttcaccgacggatttcat 64

Query: 61 tgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||| ||||||||||||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 65 tgctgtcaccgacggaattaatccgtcggta 95

          Length = 99

 Score =  103 bits (52), Expect = 2e-23
 Identities = 70/76 (92%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 16 tccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacgg 75
          |||||||| |||||||||||||| ||||| ||||||||||| ||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 80 tccgtcggcgagtccgtcggtattatttttaccgacggatttcattgctgtcaccgacgg 21

Query: 76 aatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 20 aattagtccgtcggta 5

          Length = 104

 Score =  101 bits (51), Expect = 8e-23
 Identities = 81/91 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcat 60
          |||||||||| |  |||||||||||| |||||||||||  |||||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 7  taccgacggagcacttccgtcggtgaatccgtcggtattgttttcaccgacggatttcat 66

Query: 61 tgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||||||||||| ||||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 67 tgctttcaccgatggaattaatccgtcggta 97

          Length = 104

 Score =  101 bits (51), Expect = 8e-23
 Identities = 81/91 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcat 60
          ||||||||||||  |||||||||||| |||||||||||   ||||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 7  taccgacggaacacttccgtcggtgaatccgtcggtattggtttcaccgacggatttcat 66

Query: 61 tgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||| ||||||||||||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 67 tgctatcaccgacggaattaatccgtcggta 97

          Length = 104

 Score =  101 bits (51), Expect = 8e-23
 Identities = 81/91 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcat 60
          |||||||||||| | ||||||||||| |||||||||||   ||||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 7  taccgacggaacgagtccgtcggtgaatccgtcggtattggtttcaccgacggatttcat 66

Query: 61 tgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||| ||||||||||||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 67 tgctatcaccgacggaattaatccgtcggta 97

          Length = 104

 Score =  101 bits (51), Expect = 8e-23
 Identities = 81/91 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcat 60
          |||||||||||| | ||||||||||| |||||||||||   ||||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 7  taccgacggaacgagtccgtcggtgaatccgtcggtattggtttcaccgacggatttcat 66

Query: 61 tgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||| ||||||||||||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 67 tgctatcaccgacggaattaatccgtcggta 97

          Length = 99

 Score = 97.6 bits (49), Expect = 1e-21
 Identities = 70/77 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 15 ttccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacg 74
          |||||||||||| ||||| ||||| ||||||||||||||||| |||| || |||||||||
Sbjct: 81 ttccgtcggtgattccgttggtattattttcaccgacggatttcattactgtcaccgacg 22

Query: 75 gaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 21 gaatgattccgtcggta 5

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtga 26
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 5  taccgacggaatcattccgtcggtga 30

          Length = 87

 Score = 95.6 bits (48), Expect = 5e-21
 Identities = 60/64 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 28 tccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtc 87
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||  ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 68 tccgtcggtattattttcaccgacggatgtcattgctgtcaccgacggaatgagtccgtc 9

Query: 88 ggta 91
Sbjct: 8  ggta 5

          Length = 87

 Score = 95.6 bits (48), Expect = 5e-21
 Identities = 60/64 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 28 tccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtc 87
          ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||| ||||||||||||| | ||||||
Sbjct: 68 tccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggatttcattgctgtcaccgacggaattaatccgtc 9

Query: 88 ggta 91
Sbjct: 8  ggta 5

          Length = 99

 Score = 93.7 bits (47), Expect = 2e-20
 Identities = 80/91 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcat 60
          |||||||||| |  ||||||||||||||| ||||||||  |||||||| ||||||| |||
Sbjct: 5  taccgacggatcacttccgtcggtgagtctgtcggtattgttttcaccaacggatttcat 64

Query: 61 tgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||| ||||||||||||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 65 tgctgtcaccgacggaattaatccgtcggta 95

          Length = 93

 Score = 93.7 bits (47), Expect = 2e-20
 Identities = 80/91 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcat 60
          |||||||||| |  ||||||||||||  ||||||||||  |||||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 2  taccgacggatcacttccgtcggtgaagccgtcggtattgttttcaccgacggatttcat 61

Query: 61 tgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||| ||||||||||||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 62 tgctgtcaccgacggaattaatccgtcggta 92

          Length = 104

 Score = 91.7 bits (46), Expect = 8e-20
 Identities = 79/90 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 2  accgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcatt 61
          ||||||||| |  ||||||||||||  ||||||||||  |||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 8  accgacggagcacttccgtcggtgaagccgtcggtattgttttcaccgacggatttcatt 67

Query: 62 gctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||| ||||||||||||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 68 gctgtcaccgacggaattaatccgtcggta 97

          Length = 104

 Score = 91.7 bits (46), Expect = 8e-20
 Identities = 79/90 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 2  accgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcatt 61
          ||||||||| |  ||||||||||||  ||||||||||  |||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 8  accgacggagcacttccgtcggtgaagccgtcggtattgttttcaccgacggatttcatt 67

Query: 62 gctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||| ||||||||||||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 68 gctgtcaccgacggaattaatccgtcggta 97

          Length = 98

 Score = 91.7 bits (46), Expect = 8e-20
 Identities = 79/90 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 2  accgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcatt 61
          ||||||||| |  ||||||||||||  ||||||||||  |||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 94 accgacggagcacttccgtcggtgaagccgtcggtattgttttcaccgacggatttcatt 35

Query: 62 gctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||| ||||||||||||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 34 gctgtcaccgacggaattaatccgtcggta 5

          Length = 98

 Score = 91.7 bits (46), Expect = 8e-20
 Identities = 79/90 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 2  accgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcatt 61
          ||||||||| |  ||||||||||||  ||||||||||  |||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 94 accgacggagcacttccgtcggtgaagccgtcggtattgttttcaccgacggatttcatt 35

Query: 62 gctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||| ||||||||||||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 34 gctgtcaccgacggaattaatccgtcggta 5

          Length = 99

 Score = 89.7 bits (45), Expect = 3e-19
 Identities = 69/77 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 15 ttccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacg 74
          ||||||| |||||||| || ||||  |||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 81 ttccgtcagtgagtccatctgtattgttttcaccgacggattgcattgctgtcaccgacg 22

Query: 75 gaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 21 gaattaatccgtcggta 5

          Length = 98

 Score = 89.7 bits (45), Expect = 3e-19
 Identities = 69/77 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 15 ttccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacg 74
          ||||||| ||||  ||||||||||   ||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 81 ttccgtctgtgatgccgtcggtatttgtttcaccgacggattgcattgctgtcaccgacg 22

Query: 75 gaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 21 gaattagtccgtcggta 5

          Length = 104

 Score = 89.7 bits (45), Expect = 3e-19
 Identities = 69/77 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 15 ttccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacg 74
          ||||||| ||||  ||||||||||   ||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 21 ttccgtctgtgatgccgtcggtatttgtttcaccgacggattgcattgctgtcaccgacg 80

Query: 75 gaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 81 gaattagtccgtcggta 97

          Length = 99

 Score = 87.7 bits (44), Expect = 1e-18
 Identities = 68/76 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 16 tccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacgg 75
          ||||||||||| |||||||||||  |||||||||||||| | ||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 80 tccgtcggtgaatccgtcggtattgttttcaccgacggagttcattgctatcaccgacgg 21

Query: 76 aatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 20 aattaatccgtcggta 5

          Length = 87

 Score = 87.7 bits (44), Expect = 1e-18
 Identities = 59/64 (92%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 28 tccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtc 87
          |||||||||||| |||||||||||||||| ||||||| ||||||||||||| | ||||||
Sbjct: 68 tccgtcggtatgtttttcaccgacggatttcattgctgtcaccgacggaattaatccgtc 9

Query: 88 ggta 91
Sbjct: 8  ggta 5

          Length = 99

 Score = 87.7 bits (44), Expect = 1e-18
 Identities = 68/76 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 16 tccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacgg 75
          ||||| ||||||||||||| |||  |||||||||||||||| ||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 80 tccgttggtgagtccgtcgatattgttttcaccgacggatttcattgctgtcaccgacgg 21

Query: 76 aatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 20 aattaatccgtcggta 5

          Length = 99

 Score = 87.7 bits (44), Expect = 1e-18
 Identities = 68/76 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 16 tccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacgg 75
          ||||||||||| |||||||||||  |||||||||||||| | ||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 80 tccgtcggtgaatccgtcggtattgttttcaccgacggagttcattgctatcaccgacgg 21

Query: 76 aatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 20 aattaatccgtcggta 5

          Length = 104

 Score = 85.7 bits (43), Expect = 5e-18
 Identities = 76/87 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcat 60
          |||||||||| |  |||||||||||| |||||||||||  ||||||||||| |||| |||
Sbjct: 7  taccgacggatcacttccgtcggtgaatccgtcggtattgttttcaccgacagatttcat 66

Query: 61 tgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtc 87
          |||| ||||||||||||| | ||||||
Sbjct: 67 tgctgtcaccgacggaattaatccgtc 93

          Length = 105

 Score = 85.7 bits (43), Expect = 5e-18
 Identities = 79/91 (86%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcat 60
          |||||||||| |  |||||||||||| |||||||||||  ||||||||||||||||  ||
Sbjct: 8  taccgacggatcacttccgtcggtgaatccgtcggtattgttttcaccgacggatttaat 67

Query: 61 tgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          || | ||||||||||||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 68 tgttgtcaccgacggaattaatccgtcggta 98

          Length = 98

 Score = 79.8 bits (40), Expect = 3e-16
 Identities = 68/76 (89%), Gaps = 1/76 (1%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 16 tccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacgg 75
          ||||||||||| || ||||||||| |||||||||||||||| ||||||| ||||| ||||
Sbjct: 20 tccgtcggtgattctgtcggtatggttttcaccgacggatttcattgctgtcacc-acgg 78

Query: 76 aatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 79 aattaatccgtcggta 94

          Length = 100

 Score = 79.8 bits (40), Expect = 3e-16
 Identities = 81/92 (88%), Gaps = 2/92 (2%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggta-tgattttcaccgacggattgca 59
          ||||||||||   ||| |||||||||| ||||||||| |||||| |||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 96 taccgacggacgtatttcgtcggtgaggccgtcggtaatgattt-caccgacggatttca 38

Query: 60 ttgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          || || ||||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 37 ttcctgtcaccgacggaattagtccgtcggta 6

          Length = 99

 Score = 79.8 bits (40), Expect = 3e-16
 Identities = 67/76 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 16 tccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacgg 75
          ||||||||||| |||||||||||  |||||||||||||| |  |||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 20 tccgtcggtgaatccgtcggtattgttttcaccgacggagttaattgctatcaccgacgg 79

Query: 76 aatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||||  |||||||||
Sbjct: 80 aatgaacccgtcggta 95

          Length = 105

 Score = 73.8 bits (37), Expect = 2e-14
 Identities = 67/77 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 15 ttccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacg 74
          ||||||||||||| |||||||||    ||||||||||||| | |||| || ||||||| |
Sbjct: 84 ttccgtcggtgaggccgtcggtaaatatttcaccgacggagttcattcctgtcaccgatg 25

Query: 75 gaatgagtccgtcggta 91
Sbjct: 24 gaatgagtccgtcggta 8

          Length = 104

 Score = 73.8 bits (37), Expect = 2e-14
 Identities = 67/77 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 15 ttccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacg 74
          |||||| |||||| |||||||||    ||||||||||||||| ||||| | |||||||||
Sbjct: 21 ttccgtaggtgaggccgtcggtaattatttcaccgacggatttcattgttgtcaccgacg 80

Query: 75 gaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 81 gaattagtccgtcggta 97

          Length = 102

 Score = 67.9 bits (34), Expect = 1e-12
 Identities = 67/78 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 14 attccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgac 73
          |||||||||||||| |||||||||  | ||| |||||||||   |||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 84 attccgtcggtgagaccgtcggtaataattttaccgacggaggtcatgcctttcaccgac 25

Query: 74 ggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 24 ggaattagtccgtcggta 7

          Length = 99

 Score = 67.9 bits (34), Expect = 1e-12
 Identities = 67/78 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 14 attccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgac 73
          |||||||||||||  ||||||||||   ||||||||||||||| ||| ||| ||||| ||
Sbjct: 82 attccgtcggtgaagccgtcggtatttctttcaccgacggatttcatggctatcaccaac 23

Query: 74 ggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 22 ggaattaatccgtcggta 5

          Length = 98

 Score = 65.9 bits (33), Expect = 5e-12
 Identities = 66/77 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 15 ttccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacg 74
          |||||||| |||| |||||||||    ||||||||||||||| |||| || |||||||||
Sbjct: 81 ttccgtcgatgaggccgtcggtaattatttcaccgacggatttcattcctatcaccgacg 22

Query: 75 gaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||| |||| |||||||
Sbjct: 21 gaattagtctgtcggta 5

          Length = 95

 Score = 65.9 bits (33), Expect = 5e-12
 Identities = 57/65 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 14 attccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgac 73
          |||||||||||||  ||||||||||   ||||||||||||||| ||| ||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 80 attccgtcggtgaagccgtcggtatttctttcaccgacggatttcatggctatcaccgac 21

Query: 74 ggaat 78
Sbjct: 20 ggaat 16

          Length = 99

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 2e-11
 Identities = 65/76 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 16 tccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacgg 75
          ||||||||| | | |||||||||  |||| ||||||||||| || |||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 80 tccgtcggtaatttcgtcggtattgtttttaccgacggatttcaatgctgtcaccgacgg 21

Query: 76 aatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 20 aattaatccgtcggta 5

          Length = 91

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 3e-10
 Identities = 63/74 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 15 ttccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacg 74
          |||||||| |||| |||||||||    ||||||||||||| | |||| || |||||||||
Sbjct: 77 ttccgtcgatgaggccgtcggtaattatttcaccgacggagttcattcctgtcaccgacg 18

Query: 75 gaatgagtccgtcg 88
          |||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 17 gaattagtccgtcg 4

          Length = 107

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 3e-10
 Identities = 45/50 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 42 tttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| | |||| || ||||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 50 tttcaccgacggagttcattcctgtcaccgacggaattagtccgtcggta 99

          Length = 99

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 3e-10
 Identities = 63/74 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 15 ttccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacg 74
          |||||||| |||| |||||||||    ||||||||||||| | |||| || |||||||||
Sbjct: 81 ttccgtcgatgaggccgtcggtaattatttcaccgacggagttcattcctgtcaccgacg 22

Query: 75 gaatgagtccgtcg 88
          |||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 21 gaattagtccgtcg 8

          Length = 99

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 3e-10
 Identities = 66/78 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 14 attccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgac 73
          |||||||||||||  ||||||||||   ||||||||||||||| |||   | ||||||||
Sbjct: 82 attccgtcggtgaagccgtcggtatttctttcaccgacggatttcatgtttatcaccgac 23

Query: 74 ggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 22 ggaattaatccgtcggta 5

          Length = 105

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 3e-10
 Identities = 45/50 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 42 tttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| | |||| || ||||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 57 tttcaccgacggagttcattcctgtcaccgacggaattagtccgtcggta 8

          Length = 105

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 1e-09
 Identities = 65/77 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 15 ttccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacg 74
          |||||| |||||| |||||||||    ||||||||||  | |||||| || |||||||||
Sbjct: 84 ttccgttggtgaggccgtcggtaattatttcaccgacaaagtgcattcctgtcaccgacg 25

Query: 75 gaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 24 gaattagtccgtcggta 8

          Length = 99

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 1e-09
 Identities = 65/77 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 15 ttccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacg 74
          ||||||||||||| || ||||||    |||||||||| || |  ||| || |||||||||
Sbjct: 81 ttccgtcggtgaggccatcggtaattatttcaccgacagagttgatttctatcaccgacg 22

Query: 75 gaatgagtccgtcggta 91
Sbjct: 21 gaatgagtccgtcggta 5

          Length = 61

 Score = 52.0 bits (26), Expect = 7e-08
 Identities = 35/38 (92%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtat 38
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||||  ||||||||||
Sbjct: 49 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggtgatgccgtcggtat 12

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 66 tcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 24 tcaccgacggaatgattccgtcggta 49

          Length = 61

 Score = 52.0 bits (26), Expect = 7e-08
 Identities = 35/38 (92%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtat 38
          ||||||||||| |||||||||||| | |||||||||||
Sbjct: 49 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggtaattccgtcggtat 12

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 26 accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 49

          Length = 113

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 28/30 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtcc 30
          ||||||||||| |||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 34 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggtaagtcc 5

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 11 accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 34

          Length = 99

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 43/50 (86%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 42 tttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| | |||| || |||||||| |||| ||||| ||||||
Sbjct: 54 tttcaccgacggagttcattcctgtcaccgacagaattagtccatcggta 5

          Length = 113

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 66 tcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 9  tcaccgacggaatgattccgtcggta 34

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtga 26
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 34 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggtga 9

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1   taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
           |||||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 104 taccgacggaactattccgtcggt 81

          Length = 128

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 34/38 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtat 38
          ||||||||||| |||||||||||| |  ||||||||||
Sbjct: 61 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggtaatgccgtcggtat 24

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 38 accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 61

          Length = 113

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 66 tcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 9  tcaccgacggaatgattccgtcggta 34

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtga 26
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 34 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggtga 9

          Length = 105

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 43/50 (86%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 42 tttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||| ||| | |||| || |||| |||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 57 tttcaccgatggagttcattcctgtcactgacggaattagtccgtcggta 8

          Length = 113

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 66 tcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 9  tcaccgacggaatgattccgtcggta 34

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtga 26
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 34 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggtga 9

          Length = 113

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 66 tcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 9  tcaccgacggaatgattccgtcggta 34

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtga 26
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 34 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggtga 9

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1   taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
           |||||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 104 taccgacggaactattccgtcggt 81

          Length = 113

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 31/34 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtccgtcg 34
          ||||||||||| |||||||||||| | |||||||
Sbjct: 34 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggtaattccgtcg 1

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 11 accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 34

          Length = 84

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 35/38 (92%), Gaps = 1/38 (2%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaacca-ttccgtcggtgagtccgtcggta 37
          |||||||||||| | |||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 60 taccgacggaacaaattccgtcggtgattccgtcggta 23

          Length = 109

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1   taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtga 26
           ||||||||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 78  taccgacggaatcattccgtcggtga 103

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 66  tcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
           ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 103 tcaccgacggaatgattccgtcggta 78

          Length = 109

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1   taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtga 26
           ||||||||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 78  taccgacggaatcattccgtcggtga 103

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 66  tcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
           ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 103 tcaccgacggaatgattccgtcggta 78

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          |||||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 8  taccgacggaactattccgtcggt 31

          Length = 102

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 40/46 (86%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 46 accgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||| |||  ||| |||||||||||| | ||||||||||
Sbjct: 51 accgacggatttcatgccttacaccgacggaattaatccgtcggta 96

          Length = 105

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 28/30 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1   taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtgagtcc 30
           ||||||||||| |||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 76  taccgacggaatcattccgtcggtaagtcc 105

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 99 accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 76

          Length = 109

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1   taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtga 26
           ||||||||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 78  taccgacggaatcattccgtcggtga 103

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 66  tcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
           ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 103 tcaccgacggaatgattccgtcggta 78

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          |||||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 8  taccgacggaactattccgtcggt 31

          Length = 99

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 2e-05
 Identities = 64/78 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 14 attccgtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgac 73
          |||||||| ||||| ||||||| |  | ||||||||||||| | |||  || | ||||||
Sbjct: 82 attccgtcagtgagaccgtcgggaataatttcaccgacggagttcatgcctgttaccgac 23

Query: 74 ggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
           |||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 22 agaattagtccgtcggta 5

          Length = 100

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 7e-05
 Identities = 60/73 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 19 gtcggtgagtccgtcggtatgattttcaccgacggattgcattgctttcaccgacggaat 78
          ||||||||| |||||||||    ||||||||| ||| | | || || |||||||||||| 
Sbjct: 78 gtcggtgaggccgtcggtaattatttcaccgatggagttcgttcctgtcaccgacggaag 19

Query: 79 gagtccgtcggta 91
Sbjct: 18 tagtccgtcggta 6

          Length = 96

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 7e-05
 Identities = 34/37 (91%), Gaps = 1/37 (2%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 2  accgacggaacca-ttccgtcggtgagtccgtcggta 37
          ||||||||||| | |||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 59 accgacggaacaaattccgtcggtgattccgtcggta 23

          Length = 101

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 7e-05
 Identities = 24/25 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtg 25
          ||||||||||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 96 taccgacggaaacattccgtcggtg 72

          Length = 101

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 7e-05
 Identities = 24/25 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggtg 25
          |||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 96 taccgacggaacaattccgtcggtg 72

          Length = 113

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 11 accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 34

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 34 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggt 11

          Length = 114

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 12 accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 35

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 35 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggt 12

          Length = 117

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          |||||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 36 taccgacggaacaattccgtcggt 13

          Length = 117

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          |||||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 36 taccgacggaacaattccgtcggt 13

          Length = 111

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 10 accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 33

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 33 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggt 10

          Length = 113

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 11 accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 34

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 34 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggt 11

          Length = 105

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          |||||||||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 76 taccgacggacccattccgtcggt 99

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          |||||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 99 accgacggaatgggtccgtcggta 76

          Length = 101

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          |||||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 43 taccgacggaactattccgtcggt 20

          Length = 85

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          |||||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 35 taccgacggaactattccgtcggt 12

          Length = 113

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 10 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggt 33

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 33 accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 10

          Length = 113

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 10 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggt 33

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 33 accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 10

          Length = 109

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 9  accgacggaataagtccgtcggta 32

          Length = 113

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 10 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggt 33

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 33 accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 10

          Length = 109

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 9  accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 32

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 32 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggt 9

          Length = 113

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 11 accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 34

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 34 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggt 11

          Length = 109

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 9  accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 32

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 32 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggt 9

          Length = 113

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 11 accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 34

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 34 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggt 11

          Length = 105

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          |||||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 76 taccgacggaacaattccgtcggt 99

          Length = 105

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          |||||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 76 taccgacggaacaattccgtcggt 99

          Length = 109

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 9  accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 32

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 32 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggt 9

          Length = 105

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          |||||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 76 taccgacggaacaattccgtcggt 99

          Length = 101

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 66 tcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcgg 89
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 31 tcaccgacggaataagtccgtcgg 8

          Length = 109

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 9  accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 32

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 32 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggt 9

          Length = 113

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 11 accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 34

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 34 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggt 11

          Length = 116

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1   taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
           ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 81  taccgacggaatcattccgtcggt 104

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 68  accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
           ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 104 accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 81

          Length = 103

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 98 accgacggaattagtccgtcggta 75

          Length = 105

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1  taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
          ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 76 taccgacggaatcattccgtcggt 99

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 68 accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 99 accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 76

          Length = 110

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 1   taccgacggaaccattccgtcggt 24
           ||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 78  taccgacggaatcattccgtcggt 101

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 68  accgacggaatgagtccgtcggta 91
           ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 101 accgacggaatgattccgtcggta 78

          Length = 101

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 3e-04
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 66 tcaccgacggaatgagtccgtcgg 89
          ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 31 tcaccgacggaataagtccgtcgg 8