miRNEST 2.0: an integrative microRNA resource miRNEST 2.0, an integrative microRNA resource :: Browse

Basic information from miRBase
hairpin accession number: MI0002465
Located between position 101532249 and 101532328 on chromosome 14 strand +
mature miRNAs for MI0002465:
         hsa-miR-410 (MIMAT0002171): AATATAACACAGATGGCCTGT
You can find this miRNA in EMBL: AY882266 (accession: AY882266)

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1026 chr14, 100597002-100602081, + promoter sequence UCSC

This microRNA is imprinted (based on ncRNAimprinted database)

more data
Expression data from dbDEMC
Expression data from PhenomiR