miRNEST 2.0: an integrative microRNA resource miRNEST 2.0, an integrative microRNA resource :: Browse

Data derived from PhenomiR

PubMed IDdiseasedisease classtissueexpressionfoldchange maxfoldchange mingenesstudy designmethod
17149698 Pancreatic cancer - 260350 Cancer pancreatic duct miRNA overexpression - 10.9 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
17111382 Cancer - 0 (Pituitary adenoma - 0) Cancer hypophysis miRNA downregulation - - - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
16505370 Colorectal cancer - 114500 Cancer colorectum miRNA downregulation - 1.9 - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
17616669 Prostate cancer - 176807 Cancer prostate gland miRNA downregulation - - - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
17875710 Ovarian cancer - 604370 (Epithelial ovarian cancer, endometrioid histotype - 0) Cancer ovary miRNA downregulation - 3.125 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
17363563 Colorectal cancer - 114500 Cancer Colo-201 cell miRNA downregulation - 10.9 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
17363563 Glioblastoma multiforme, somatic - 137800 Cancer U-251 cell miRNA downregulation - 8.7 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
18525125 Alzheimer disease, susceptibility to - 104300 Neurological cerebrospinal fluid miRNA overexpression - 2.12 - Patient study phenotype-phenotype quantitative PCR
18923441 Cancer - 0 (Leukemia, acute lymphoblastic - 0) Cancer blood miRNA overexpression - 1.7 - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
18560586 Ovarian cancer - 604370 (Epithelial ovarian cancer - 0) Cancer ovary miRNA downregulation - 2.04082 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
18923441 Cancer - 0 (Leukemia, acute lymphoblastic - 0) Cancer blood miRNA overexpression - 2.29 - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
15172979 Lung cancer - 211980 Cancer lung miRNA downregulation - - - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
18560586 Ovarian cancer - 604370 (Epithelial ovarian cancer - 0) Cancer OVCA-420 cell miRNA downregulation - 4.16667 - Cell culture study miRNA microarray
16934749 Cancer - 0 (Leukemia, acute lymphoblastic - 0) Cancer JURKAT cell miRNA overexpression - - - Cell culture study Northern Blot
17606841 Cardiomyopathy, dilated - 115200 Cardiovascular left ventricle miRNA overexpression - 1.99 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
17606841 - - left ventricle miRNA downregulation - 2.73 - Bioprocess study miRNA microarray
16934749 Leukemia, acute myelogenous - 601626 Cancer HL-60 cell miRNA overexpression - - - Cell culture study Northern Blot
16934749 Leukemia, megakaryoblastic, with or without Down syndrome - 190685 Cancer CMK cell miRNA overexpression - - - Cell culture study Northern Blot
17942673 Myopathy, nemaline, 3 - 161800 Muscular muscle miRNA overexpression - 1.89 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
18308931 Leukemia, acute myeloid - 601626 Cancer bone marrow miRNA overexpression - 3.33 - Patient study phenotype-phenotype quantitative PCR
18973228 Medulloblastoma - 155255 Cancer cerebellum miRNA downregulation - 4.16667 - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
17243163 Muscular - 0 (Uterine leiomyoma - 0) Muscular myoma cell miRNA overexpression - 3.6604 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
16192569 Breast cancer - 114480 Cancer T-47D cell miRNA overexpression - 1.58 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
17243163 Muscular - 0 (Uterine leiomyoma - 0) Muscular myoma cell miRNA overexpression - 2.6979 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
17243163 Muscular - 0 (Uterine leiomyoma - 0) Muscular myoma cell miRNA overexpression - 2.0495 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
17243163 Muscular - 0 (Uterine leiomyoma - 0) Muscular myoma cell miRNA downregulation - 1.02849 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
16192569 Breast cancer - 114480 Cancer SK-BR-3 cell miRNA downregulation - 1.26582 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
18223217 Hepatocellular carcinoma - 114550 (Hepatocellular carcinoma, associated with hepatitis B/C viral infection and cirrhosis - 0) Cancer liver miRNA overexpression - 2.1 - Patient study phenotype-phenotype quantitative PCR
18223217 Hepatocellular carcinoma - 114550 (Hepatocellular carcinoma, associated with hepatitis B/C viral infection and cirrhosis - 0) Cancer liver miRNA overexpression - 3.2 - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
18223217 Hepatocellular carcinoma - 114550 (Hepatocellular carcinoma, associated with cirrhosis - 0) Cancer liver miRNA overexpression - 2.1 - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
18582896 Cardiomyopathy, dilated - 115200 (Cardiomyopathy, ischemic - 0) Cardiovascular heart miRNA downregulation - - - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
18728182 Immunological - 0 (Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) - 0) Immunological plasma cell miRNA overexpression - 10.0 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
16754881 Melanoma and neural system tumor syndrome - 155755 Cancer cell culture miRNA downregulation - - - Cell culture study array CGH
18756266 Medulloblastoma - 155255 (Medulloblastoma with high Gli1 expression - 0) Cancer cerebellum miRNA downregulation - 7.14286 - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
18756266 Medulloblastoma - 155255 (Medulloblastoma with low Gli1 expression - 0) Cancer cerebellum miRNA downregulation - 2.27273 - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
16192569 Breast cancer - 114480 Cancer MCF-7 cell miRNA overexpression - 1.26 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
17616669 Prostate cancer - 176807 Cancer PC-3 cell miRNA downregulation - - - Cell culture study miRNA microarray
16192569 Breast cancer - 114480 Cancer MDA-MB-231 cell miRNA downregulation - 1.26582 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Breast cancer - 114480 Cancer MDA-MB-361 cell miRNA overexpression - 1.86 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Prostate cancer - 176807 Cancer PC-3 cell miRNA downregulation - 2.17391 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Prostate cancer - 176807 Cancer PPC-1 cell miRNA downregulation - 20.0 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Prostate cancer - 176807 Cancer DU-145 cell miRNA downregulation - 50.0 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Prostate cancer - 176807 Cancer Tsu-Pr1 cell miRNA downregulation - 8.33333 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Prostate cancer - 176807 Cancer LNCaP cell miRNA downregulation - 3.7037 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Squamous cell carcinoma, head and neck - 601400 Cancer squamous cell carcinoma cell line miRNA downregulation - 5.26316 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Squamous cell carcinoma, head and neck - 601400 Cancer squamous cell carcinoma cell line miRNA downregulation - 12.5 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
18766170 Lung cancer - 211980 Cancer serum miRNA downregulation - 33.3333 - Patient study phenotype-control deep sequencing
16737555 - - fibroblast miRNA overexpression - - - Bioprocess study miRNA microarray
16192569 Pancreatic cancer - 260350 Cancer PANC-1 cell miRNA downregulation - 2.12766 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Lung cancer - 211980 Cancer lung cancer cell line miRNA overexpression - 1.73 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Hematological - 0 Hematological K-562 cell miRNA downregulation - 4.7619 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
17379065 - - cord blood stem cell miRNA overexpression - - - Bioprocess study miRNA microarray
16192569 Lung cancer - 211980 Cancer A-549 cell miRNA overexpression - 1.35 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
18171346 Hepatocellular carcinoma - 114550 Cancer liver miRNA overexpression - 2.93 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray