miRNEST 2.0: an integrative microRNA resource miRNEST 2.0, an integrative microRNA resource :: Browse

Data derived from PhenomiR

PubMed IDdiseasedisease classtissueexpressionfoldchange maxfoldchange mingenesstudy designmethod
16192569 Breast cancer - 114480 Cancer T-47D cell miRNA overexpression - 1.59 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Breast cancer - 114480 Cancer SK-BR-3 cell miRNA overexpression - 2.08 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16754881 Breast cancer - 114480 Cancer breast epithelium miRNA downregulation - - - Patient study phenotype-control array CGH
16754881 Melanoma and neural system tumor syndrome - 155755 Cancer cell culture miRNA downregulation - - - Cell culture study array CGH
16192569 Breast cancer - 114480 Cancer MCF-7 cell miRNA overexpression - 2.5 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Breast cancer - 114480 Cancer MDA-MB-231 cell miRNA overexpression - 2.39 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Breast cancer - 114480 Cancer MDA-MB-361 cell miRNA overexpression - 2.04 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Prostate cancer - 176807 Cancer PC-3 cell miRNA downregulation - 1.85185 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Prostate cancer - 176807 Cancer PPC-1 cell miRNA downregulation - 2.5641 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Prostate cancer - 176807 Cancer DU-145 cell miRNA overexpression - 1.34 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Prostate cancer - 176807 Cancer Tsu-Pr1 cell miRNA overexpression - 1.35 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Prostate cancer - 176807 Cancer LNCaP cell miRNA downregulation - 2.0 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Squamous cell carcinoma, head and neck - 601400 Cancer squamous cell carcinoma cell line miRNA overexpression - 3.84 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Squamous cell carcinoma, head and neck - 601400 Cancer squamous cell carcinoma cell line miRNA overexpression - 3.31 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Pancreatic cancer - 260350 Cancer PANC-1 cell miRNA downregulation - 1.13636 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Lung cancer - 211980 Cancer lung cancer cell line miRNA downregulation - 2.63158 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Hematological - 0 Hematological K-562 cell miRNA overexpression - 3.34 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Lung cancer - 211980 Cancer A-549 cell miRNA overexpression - 1.41 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR