miRNEST 2.0: an integrative microRNA resource miRNEST 2.0, an integrative microRNA resource :: Browse

Data derived from PhenomiR

PubMed IDdiseasedisease classtissueexpressionfoldchange maxfoldchange mingenesstudy designmethod
16966691 Pancreatic cancer - 260350 (Pancreatic endocrine tumors - 0) Cancer pancreas miRNA overexpression - 10.09 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
16966691 Pancreatic cancer - 260350 (Pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma - 0) Cancer pancreatic acinar cell miRNA overexpression - 3.37 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
16505370 Colorectal cancer - 114500 Cancer colorectum miRNA downregulation - 11.8 - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
18230780 Colorectal cancer - 114500 Cancer colorectum miRNA downregulation - 1.1 - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
18607389 Colorectal cancer - 114500 Cancer colorectum miRNA overexpression - 1.1 - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
18663744 Colorectal cancer - 114500 Cancer cell culture miRNA downregulation - - - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
18270258 Thyroid carcinoma, follicular - 188470 (Thyroid carcinoma, conventional follicular adenoma - 0) Cancer thyroid gland miRNA overexpression - 7.9 - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
17363563 Glioblastoma multiforme, somatic - 137800 Cancer U-251 cell miRNA downregulation - 11.0 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
18923441 Cancer - 0 (Leukemia, acute lymphoblastic - 0) Cancer blood miRNA overexpression - 1.13 - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
18923441 Cancer - 0 (Leukemia, acute lymphoblastic - 0) Cancer blood miRNA overexpression - 2.45 - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
18381414 Squamous cell carcinoma, head and neck - 601400 (Oral squamous carcinoma (OSCC) - 0) Cancer HSC-3 cell miRNA downregulation - - - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
18242245 Esophageal cancer - 133239 Cancer esophagus miRNA downregulation - 1.25 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
17712037 Cardiomyopathy, dilated - 115200 Cardiovascular myocardium miRNA overexpression - 1.46 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
18451214 Cervical cancer, somatic - 603956 Cancer cervical carcinoma cell miRNA overexpression - 7.649 - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
17606841 Cardiomyopathy, dilated - 115200 Cardiovascular left ventricle miRNA downregulation - 1.88 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
17606841 - - left ventricle miRNA overexpression - 1.42 - Bioprocess study miRNA microarray
18042587 Systemic lupus erythematosus, susceptibility - 152700 Immunological blood miRNA overexpression - 2.44 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
18242245 Esophageal cancer - 133239 Cancer esophagus miRNA downregulation - 1.25 - Patient study phenotype-phenotype miRNA microarray
18242245 Esophageal cancer - 133239 Cancer esophagus miRNA overexpression - 1.8 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
17178851 Leukemia, chronic lymphatic, susceptibility to - 151400 Cancer blood miRNA overexpression - 1.69 - Patient study phenotype-phenotype miRNA microarray
17178851 Leukemia, chronic lymphatic, susceptibility to - 151400 Cancer blood miRNA downregulation - - - Patient study phenotype-phenotype miRNA microarray
18242245 Esophageal cancer - 133239 Cancer esophagus miRNA downregulation - 2.5 - Patient study phenotype-phenotype miRNA microarray
17260024 Leukemia, acute myelogenous - 601626 Cancer NB-4 cell miRNA overexpression - - - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
17942673 Myopathy, nemaline, 3 - 161800 Muscular muscle miRNA overexpression - 1.87 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
17942673 Muscular - 0 (Polymyositis - 0) Muscular muscle miRNA overexpression - 1.66 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
18042587 Thrombocytopenic purpurea, autoimmune - 188030 Hematological blood miRNA overexpression - 3.7 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
17712037 Supravalvar aortic stenosis - 185500 Cardiovascular myocardium miRNA overexpression - 1.3 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
17976522 Myelofibrosis, idiopathic - 254450 Hematological granulocyte miRNA downregulation - 4.7619 - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
16192569 Breast cancer - 114480 Cancer T-47D cell miRNA downregulation - 1.0989 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Breast cancer - 114480 Cancer SK-BR-3 cell miRNA overexpression - 1.3 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
18941112 Leukemia, acute myeloid - 601626 Cancer NB-4 cell miRNA overexpression - - - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
18700954 Multiple myeloma - 254500 Cancer plasma cell miRNA overexpression - - - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
18337557 Leukemia, acute myeloid - 601626 Cancer bone marrow miRNA downregulation - 2.63158 - Patient study phenotype-phenotype quantitative PCR
18182067 Muscular - 0 (Uterine leiomyoma - 0) Muscular myoma cell miRNA downregulation - 1.35135 - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
18582896 Cardiomyopathy, dilated - 115200 (Cardiomyopathy, ischemic - 0) Cardiovascular heart miRNA overexpression - - - Patient study phenotype-control miRNA microarray
18264139 Colorectal cancer - 114500 Cancer colorectum miRNA downregulation - - EVL Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
18264139 Colorectal cancer - 114500 Cancer RKO cell miRNA downregulation - - EVL Cell culture study quantitative PCR
18264139 Adenomas, multiple colorectal - 608456 Cancer cell culture miRNA downregulation - - - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16754881 Breast cancer - 114480 Cancer breast epithelium miRNA overexpression - - - Patient study phenotype-control array CGH
16754881 Melanoma and neural system tumor syndrome - 155755 Cancer cell culture miRNA downregulation - - - Cell culture study array CGH
16192569 Breast cancer - 114480 Cancer MCF-7 cell miRNA overexpression - 1.45 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
17922033 Cancer - 0 (Leiomyosarcoma - 0) Cancer muscle miRNA downregulation - 3.57143 - Patient study phenotype-control quantitative PCR
16192569 Breast cancer - 114480 Cancer MDA-MB-231 cell miRNA downregulation - 1.23457 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Breast cancer - 114480 Cancer MDA-MB-361 cell miRNA overexpression - 1.84 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Prostate cancer - 176807 Cancer PC-3 cell miRNA downregulation - 2.94118 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Prostate cancer - 176807 Cancer PPC-1 cell miRNA downregulation - 4.34783 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Prostate cancer - 176807 Cancer DU-145 cell miRNA downregulation - 1.92308 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Prostate cancer - 176807 Cancer Tsu-Pr1 cell miRNA downregulation - 7.69231 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Prostate cancer - 176807 Cancer LNCaP cell miRNA downregulation - 1.42857 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Squamous cell carcinoma, head and neck - 601400 Cancer squamous cell carcinoma cell line miRNA downregulation - 2.17391 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Squamous cell carcinoma, head and neck - 601400 Cancer squamous cell carcinoma cell line miRNA downregulation - 1.5873 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
18766170 Lung cancer - 211980 Cancer serum miRNA overexpression - - - Patient study phenotype-control deep sequencing
19021525 - - cell culture miRNA overexpression - - - Bioprocess study miRNA microarray
16192569 Pancreatic cancer - 260350 Cancer PANC-1 cell miRNA overexpression - 2.17 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
19021525 - - cell culture miRNA overexpression - - - Bioprocess study Northern Blot
16192569 Lung cancer - 211980 Cancer lung cancer cell line miRNA downregulation - 1.04167 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
16192569 Hematological - 0 Hematological K-562 cell miRNA overexpression - 2.22 - Cell culture study quantitative PCR
18607389 - - embryo miRNA overexpression - 2.14 - Bioprocess study quantitative PCR
17379065 - - cord blood stem cell miRNA overexpression - - - Bioprocess study miRNA microarray