Identical with: vvi-MIR169p from miRBase (MNEST041612)
miRNEST target predictions non-miRNEST targets: none HuntMi prediction: true miRNA additional data degradome data download this record references [1] Jaillon O, Aury JM, Noel B, Policriti A, Clepet C, Casagrande A, Choisne N, Aubourg S, Vitulo N, Jubin C, Vezzi A, Legeai F, Hugueney P, Dasilva C, Horner D, Mica E, Jublot D, Poulain J, Bruyere C, Billault A, Segurens B, Gouyvenoux M, Ugarte E, Cattonaro, Nature. 449:463-467(2007)., "The grapevine genome sequence suggests ancestral hexaploidization in major angiosperm phyla" [2] Mica E, Piccolo V, Delledonne M, Ferrarini A, Pezzotti M, Casati C, Del Fabbro C, Valle G, Policriti A, Morgante M, Pesole G, Pe ME, Horner DS, BMC Genomics. 10:558(2009)., "High throughput approaches reveal splicing of primary microRNA transcripts and tissue specific expression of mature microRNAs in Vitis vinifera"