miRNEST target predictions: none non-miRNEST targets: none HuntMi prediction: true miRNA additional data download this record evidence: Solexa references [1] Stark MS, Tyagi S, Nancarrow DJ, Boyle GM, Cook AL, Whiteman DC, Parsons PG, Schmidt C, Sturm RA, Hayward NK, PLoS One. 5:e9685(2010)., "Characterization of the Melanoma miRNAome by Deep Sequencing" [2] Persson H, Kvist A, Rego N, Staaf J, Vallon-Christersson J, Luts L, Loman N, Jonsson G, Naya H, Hoglund M, Borg A, Rovira C, Cancer Res. 71:78-86(2011)., "Identification of new microRNAs in paired normal and tumor breast tissue suggests a dual role for the ERBB2/Her2 gene"