miRNEST target predictions: none non-miRNEST targets: none HuntMi prediction: true miRNA additional data download this record evidence: Solexa references [1] Creighton CJ, Benham AL, Zhu H, Khan MF, Reid JG, Nagaraja AK, Fountain MD, Dziadek O, Han D, Ma L, Kim J, Hawkins SM, Anderson ML, Matzuk MM, Gunaratne PH, PLoS One. 5:e9637(2010)., "Discovery of novel microRNAs in female reproductive tract using next generation sequencing" [2] Persson H, Kvist A, Rego N, Staaf J, Vallon-Christersson J, Luts L, Loman N, Jonsson G, Naya H, Hoglund M, Borg A, Rovira C, Cancer Res. 71:78-86(2011)., "Identification of new microRNAs in paired normal and tumor breast tissue suggests a dual role for the ERBB2/Her2 gene"