Identical with: der-mir-iab-4 from miRBase (MNEST036231)
miRNEST target predictions: none non-miRNEST targets: none HuntMi prediction: true miRNA additional data download this record evidence: 454, in-situ deep sequencing data evidence references [1] Ruby JG, Stark A, Johnston WK, Kellis M, Bartel DP, Lai EC, Genome Res. 17:1850-1864(2007)., "Evolution, biogenesis, expression, and target predictions of a substantially expanded set of Drosophila microRNAs" [2] Stark A, Bushati N, Jan CH, Kheradpour P, Hodges E, Brennecke J, Bartel DP, Cohen SM, Kellis M, Genes Dev. 22:8-13(2008)., "A single Hox locus in Drosophila produces functional microRNAs from opposite DNA strands"