miRNEST target predictions: none non-miRNEST targets: none HuntMi prediction: true miRNA additional data download this record evidence: Solexa, SOLiD references [1] Fahlgren N, Jogdeo S, Kasschau KD, Sullivan CM, Chapman EJ, Laubinger S, Smith LM, Dasenko M, Givan SA, Weigel D, Carrington JC, Plant Cell. 22:1074-1089(2010)., "MicroRNA gene evolution in Arabidopsis lyrata and Arabidopsis thaliana" [2] Ma Z, Coruh C, Axtell MJ, Plant Cell. 22:1090-1103(2010)., "Arabidopsis lyrata small RNAs: transient MIRNA and small interfering RNA loci within the Arabidopsis genus"