Identical with: osa-miRf10281-akr from PMRD (MNEST049496)
miRNEST target predictions non-miRNEST targets HuntMi prediction: true miRNA additional data download this record deep sequencing data evidence references [1] Lacombe S, Nagasaki H, Santi C, Duval D, Piegu B, Bangratz M, Breitler JC, Guiderdoni E, Brugidou C, Hirsch J, Cao X, Brice C, Panaud O, Karlowski WM, Sato Y, Echeverria M, BMC Plant Biol. 8:123(2008)., "Identification of precursor transcripts for 6 novel miRNAs expands the diversity on the genomic organisation and expression of miRNA genes in rice"