RetrogeneDB ID:


Organism:Pig (Sus scrofa)
Located in intron of:ENSSSCG00000021189
Ensembl ID:None
Parental gene
Parental gene summary:
Parental gene symbol:RPL31
Ensembl ID:ENSSSCG00000008170
Description:60S ribosomal protein L31 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:P62901]

Retrocopy-Parental alignment summary:


ORF - retro_sscr_263 Open Reading Frame is not conserved.
Retrocopy - Parental Gene Alignment summary:
Percent Identity: 59.8 %
Parental protein coverage: 80. %
Number of stop codons detected: 1
Number of frameshifts detected 2

Retrocopy - Parental Gene Alignment:


*Stop codon
>Forward frameshift by one nucleotide
<Reverse frameshift by one nucleotide

(Hint: click retrocopy or parental gene accession number on the plot's legend, to show / hide expression level values)

Expression validation based on RNA-Seq data:
Library Retrocopy expression Parental gene expression
SRP014902_placenta 0 .00 RPM 0 .80 RPM
SRP014902_testis 0 .00 RPM 9 .34 RPM
SRP018288_heart 0 .00 RPM 3 .90 RPM
SRP018288_kidney 0 .00 RPM 2 .36 RPM
SRP018288_liver 0 .00 RPM 2 .88 RPM
SRP018288_lung 0 .00 RPM 1 .02 RPM
SRP018856_adipose 0 .00 RPM 3 .18 RPM
SRP035408_brain 0 .00 RPM 1 .68 RPM
SRP035408_liver 0 .00 RPM 1 .59 RPM
Sus scrofa was not studied using ChIP-Seq data.
No EST(s) were mapped for retro_sscr_263 retrocopy.
Sus scrofa was not studied using FANTOM5 data.
retro_sscr_263 was not experimentally validated.

Retrocopy orthology:
Retrocopy retro_sscr_263 has 0 orthologous retrocopies within eutheria group .

Parental genes homology:
Parental genes homology involve 23 parental genes, and 343 retrocopies.

Species Parental gene accession Retrocopies number
Anolis carolinensis ENSACAG000000079141 retrocopy
Ailuropoda melanoleuca ENSAMEG000000156472 retrocopies
Cavia porcellus ENSCPOG000000210315 retrocopies
Dipodomys ordii ENSDORG000000157283 retrocopies
Equus caballus ENSECAG0000002407913 retrocopies
Felis catus ENSFCAG0000002643013 retrocopies
Latimeria chalumnae ENSLACG000000136031 retrocopy
Loxodonta africana ENSLAFG0000002787312 retrocopies
Macropus eugenii ENSMEUG000000009638 retrocopies
Myotis lucifugus ENSMLUG0000000250721 retrocopies
Monodelphis domestica ENSMODG000000017045 retrocopies
Mustela putorius furoENSMPUG000000121972 retrocopies
Otolemur garnettii ENSOGAG0000001449410 retrocopies
Ochotona princeps ENSOPRG0000000120434 retrocopies
Procavia capensis ENSPCAG0000000478710 retrocopies
Pongo abelii ENSPPYG000000258704 retrocopies
Pteropus vampyrus ENSPVAG0000001171617 retrocopies
Rattus norvegicus ENSRNOG000000135088 retrocopies
Sarcophilus harrisii ENSSHAG000000117063 retrocopies
Sus scrofa ENSSSCG00000008170 4 retrocopies
Sus scrofa ENSSSCG000000251806 retrocopies
Tupaia belangeri ENSTBEG00000016254137 retrocopies
retro_tbel_1092, retro_tbel_1129, retro_tbel_115, retro_tbel_1176, retro_tbel_1195, retro_tbel_1226, retro_tbel_1239, retro_tbel_1249, retro_tbel_1254, retro_tbel_1258, retro_tbel_1266, retro_tbel_131, retro_tbel_1310, retro_tbel_1334, retro_tbel_1356, retro_tbel_1368, retro_tbel_1369, retro_tbel_1381, retro_tbel_1402, retro_tbel_1414, retro_tbel_1423, retro_tbel_1437, retro_tbel_1454, retro_tbel_1574, retro_tbel_1593, retro_tbel_1597, retro_tbel_1605, retro_tbel_1611, retro_tbel_1612, retro_tbel_1632, retro_tbel_1768, retro_tbel_1797, retro_tbel_1802, retro_tbel_184, retro_tbel_189, retro_tbel_1890, retro_tbel_1897, retro_tbel_1915, retro_tbel_2024, retro_tbel_2027, retro_tbel_2050, retro_tbel_2069, retro_tbel_2093, retro_tbel_2140, retro_tbel_2159, retro_tbel_2233, retro_tbel_2341, retro_tbel_2359, retro_tbel_2382, retro_tbel_246, retro_tbel_2520, retro_tbel_2531, retro_tbel_2581, retro_tbel_2582, retro_tbel_2614, retro_tbel_2625, retro_tbel_2668, retro_tbel_2692, retro_tbel_2709, retro_tbel_2741, retro_tbel_2789, retro_tbel_2825, retro_tbel_2847, retro_tbel_2930, retro_tbel_2951, retro_tbel_3015, retro_tbel_3028, retro_tbel_3035, retro_tbel_3061, retro_tbel_3077, retro_tbel_3154, retro_tbel_3174, retro_tbel_3222, retro_tbel_3274, retro_tbel_3282, retro_tbel_3292, retro_tbel_3346, retro_tbel_3365, retro_tbel_337, retro_tbel_3378, retro_tbel_3425, retro_tbel_3442, retro_tbel_3484, retro_tbel_3500, retro_tbel_3519, retro_tbel_3578, retro_tbel_3580, retro_tbel_3618, retro_tbel_3637, retro_tbel_3710, retro_tbel_3722, retro_tbel_3745, retro_tbel_3775, retro_tbel_3780, retro_tbel_3794, retro_tbel_3801, retro_tbel_381, retro_tbel_3812, retro_tbel_3846, retro_tbel_3869, retro_tbel_3873, retro_tbel_398, retro_tbel_3982, retro_tbel_3996, retro_tbel_4033, retro_tbel_4069, retro_tbel_4158, retro_tbel_4161, retro_tbel_4174, retro_tbel_4235, retro_tbel_4247, retro_tbel_4286, retro_tbel_4297, retro_tbel_4363, retro_tbel_4374, retro_tbel_461, retro_tbel_4612, retro_tbel_4646, retro_tbel_466, retro_tbel_488, retro_tbel_503, retro_tbel_510, retro_tbel_577, retro_tbel_599, retro_tbel_626, retro_tbel_696, retro_tbel_718, retro_tbel_741, retro_tbel_744, retro_tbel_780, retro_tbel_788, retro_tbel_872, retro_tbel_886, retro_tbel_891, retro_tbel_908, retro_tbel_914, retro_tbel_942,
Tursiops truncatus ENSTTRG0000001644724 retrocopies

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